My text to a buddy in Jan 2021

All words. No substance. Per usual.

Trump had a military budget even higher than what they asked for -

Trump expanded the deficit wider and faster than than every President in history but 2, and right after the longest consecutive streak of private sector job growth in history under Obama

Really? Then, why are they still attacking places?

He surrendered to the Taliban. He forced the new leader of the Taliban out of prison and then forced Afghanistan to release 5000 Taliban prisoners, then promised we’d leave at a particular date. He surrendered to terrorists.

Yeah, that’s a lie.


another lie

They’ve dropped almost a full dollar in Texas over the last month

You’re wrong so often that you’re boring. You’re just too easy to prove wrong. You should try harder

At least it was on the military and not trans issues

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This statement made by me in an earlier post is mistaken by forty cents. A gas station in Mendocino, CA, recently priced gasoline at $9.60. the highest price in the state. Nevertheless, this price is a harbinger of the future. The price of gasoline will rise higher IMO in the next few months. Already in Washington State, gas pumps have been modified to accommodate prices exceeding $10. Oil stocks ramped up in price following Biden’s begging trip to Saudi Arabia.

Famine should be more of an uber concern especially, for Europe which is going to see a huge flood of illegal immigration from Africa. The MENA region, that is the Middle East and Northern Africa, has the industrial output equal to that of Finland, which says a lot about the regressive state of affairs of a region with a population of 500 million. Only two things that keep this region afloat --the western nations’ subsidies and those nations’ dependence on oil.

It’s time to revisit the theories of Thomas Malthus. The advancements in energy production and agricultural science temporarily improved the survival in Malthusian nations, but the key word here is temporary. Biden is correct in his statement that a transition is necessary, but all the green energy capacity extant in the world today has capacity of powering the planet for just over ONE MINUTE. The answer in my opinion is nuclear reactors. Unfortunately, it takes ten years of planning even to begin construction of a nuclear plant.

We shall see…Make sure you guys are here to pay the piper either way

There is nothing good about the gas prices either way…But we have Bikki saying will they be continue to rise higher…And another guy celebrating them trickling down over the last couple weeks.

Who will be right?

No response…deflection…per usual

Then again I’d shut my fucking mouth if I told everyone for 2 years…Inflatiion is ok, necessary, and even useful". Until it got here. Now it’s crickets, right? Don’t blame you.

Consider yourself lucky you live in Texas then. Seems like, with a few exceptions, this is another red vs. blue state thing.

It is down slightly here over the last couple weeks. Most places at 4.79 now…Although I still see the occasional 4.89. Saw a 4.71 at one place yesterday…And friends about 45 mins away have said they have some 4.69s Some places got as high as 5.19 mid to late June but 5.09 was pretty much consensus.

Two weeks ago I was in Ohio golfing a few days and it was about 10-15% cheaper than here in PA.