MTSU Today

Lost 45 to 30 to UTSA.

I hate this fucking program.

I love it. I want every bandwagon fan off the wagon. This season should be rock bottom. From here, we build and keep building.


If we can’t be loyal to the Canes at their worst, we don’t deserve them at their best.


I’m about as loyal as they come. I’ve got season tickets and drive a good ways each weekend for games.

Just so goddamn frustrating to see this.


Could be worse. We could have hired Lane and be like that team in Oxford…littered with 3 and 4 star underclassmen on the team…man they’re gonna be so hosed!

Anyone who is still here after 15+ years of this shytshow is pretty freakin’ loyal.

Middle had their game of the century last week. Things average out.


There hasn’t been a bandwagon since about 2004.

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Yeah, the bandwagon’s been gone since about a year after the guy threw the flag in the desert. LOL! We’re the only ones left who still subject ourselves to this on an annual basis. The only saving grace is that we always know by the time September ends that we’re not a contender for anything. That even usually includes the Coastal division, as sad as that has been since 2005.

I mean, we’re relying on Texas-San Antonio and James Madison to do what we couldn’t. How sad is that to have to read? That it actually takes those two to shut that coach up. :nauseated_face:

No doubt posters herein are avid fans who for past two decades have suffered considerable disappointment, yet their loyalty is unquestionable. I’ve been a fan for nearly seventy years, and my fondest memories are of the halcyon years when Miami was the preeminent power dominating college football. It was an exhilarating unforgettable experience, one which has inspired a yearning for a return to such high prominence.

Perhaps UM has hit its nadir this year following the humiliating loss to MTSU. Upsets are often what make college football so interesting. Even the elite teams play a poor game such as Georgia’s struggle against Missouri or Georgia Tech besting Pitt. Looking forward to UNC; we haven’t beaten UNC in the last three attempts. Maybe we’ll see some welcome adjustments and hopefully prevail.

Miami seems to excel when Miami is being Miami…recruiting criminals. You haven’t even touched the Fulmer Awards for several years; Miami isn’t even listed on the top 10 teams with the most arrests.

Where are the brawls for who comes out first? Notre Dame and FSU just walk out on the field when they’re scheduled to with no interruptions, nobody is kicking the placeholder in their heads anymore.

Where’s Luther Campbell?

I met the 1991 team at the Doubletree Hotel they were staying at before the Cotton, very very nice guys off the field and really kind to two kids who were excited to meet them and just happened to be at the same hotel downstairs. We got to walk through the hallway and meet the players…as nice as they were to us, they showed up on that field not willing to give even a fraction of an inch on ANYTHING. These dudes were straight up thugs and proud of it.

Where are the thugs? This is MIAMI! You’re the U! You’re not Notre Dame.

If they did that in today’s game the NCAA would have this program entrenched in investigations.