Mike Leach

Apparently, former Kansas HC Bill Snyder’s reports of Leach’s death may be greatly exaggerated. But, Bill is 83 so I guess we can forgive him that. He deleted his death announcement tweet and then tweeted that Leach is still alive about an hour later.

Reports indicate Leach has been moved to hospice so that means the end is near.

EDIT: As I suspected, Snyder, who is well connected in coaching circles and knows the family, knew the inside baseball and was correct, Leach died sometime last night. For some reason, the official announcement from Mississippi State didn’t happen until this morning. I think he was probably brain dead by the time they got him to the hospital on Sunday and was kept “alive” for a day via a respirator. At least he went quickly so he didn’t have to go through a long, horrible illness like many people do.

Definitely one of a kind. I wish Miami ran a version of his Air Raid offense.

He interviewed for the Miami job after Randy was fired. Trump even lobbied for him. I don’t think he received serious consideration because of the Adam James nonsense and Shalala.

A Mormon with a law degree. Never played college football but played WR in high school in Wyoming. Worked his way up via coaching at small colleges.

My favorite Leach story is the one when he was the OC at Oklahoma and “accidentally” dropped a play sheet in the tunnel which was found by a Texas player or staff member and turned over to the defensive staff who assumed it was real. They didn’t figure out they’d been had until the 2nd quarter.


ESPN just reported it. Rip

RIP to one of the best

Tragic. Never felt he would be a good ‘fit’ here but admired him as a coach, innovator, and person. RIP, press conferences won’t be as fun anymore.

Now as tribute, let’s go hire one of his protégés as OC!

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RIP, Pirate.

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Mississippi State’s stadium today.