Michigan officer charged with murder in Lyoya shooting

Who’s going to pull Bikki’s string so he can type up a defense?

Honest thought here - I don’t know what the protocol is in this situation.

A guy is not cooperating and on the ground - cop wrestling him. I don’t see him going for the taser, but the cop says not to multiple times.

Assuming that’s true, what is protocol? Taser? Does he shoot him somewhere else? Does he release to get away and draw his taser?

Tazer, rear naked choke, or let him run. Considering he’s on top of him, he literally could have shot the gun anywhere. He chose the back of the head. Was it worth executing the dude over?

You would think most people would say no (except Bikki).

Bikks has never seen a dead black guy he thought the world would be better alive.