Miami @ VT

Holy crap VT had a TD is he hangs on. Jesus.

Yup. We got lucky.

This may be stereotyping, but I don’t understand how CMC keeps his cool on the sidelines. I am not Cuban, and I would be losing my fucking mind on the sidelines with some of the shit that happens.

He’s almost as stoic as Randy

It pisses me off that VT scored

Is this the beginning of the implosion?

Wow! What a punt by Big Bad Lou!

It’s absurd that Miami’s run game is so weak that they can’t run the ball to close this game out… instead they are throwing the ball, stopping the clock. :face_vomiting: :triumph:

16 penalties for154 yards on Miami… and there’s still 4 minutes left… :face_vomiting:

That one on Ivey was complete BS that ball was way overthrown

What a sorry 4th quarter to an otherwise pretty good game.

…and still can / will ? lose the game now!! :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Why can’t we play 4 full quarters?

How was the game? :slight_smile: