Miami vs Texas A&M Game Thread

Bad pass.

Weā€™re not getting blown out, but it feels like it.

That was on TVD

Hit his hands though. Gotta catch it. That said, TVD is off tonight.

This offense is incapable of making a play. Getting tackled by a defender on his back to prevent a TD and then dropping that ball. Sure it wasnā€™t a good pass but it was definitely catchable and needs to be made.

Garcia? Maybe? Send TVD a message?

Canā€™t hurt.

lol no Garcia. Talk about an overreaction that could cause other issues down the road.

Leave TVD in the game. Call shorter passes. Develop rhythm.

I dunnoā€¦ sometimes when your ace doesnā€™t have itā€¦

Good spot

Dude Can Dyke SUCKS

Holy shit. Where was TVD throwing that?

Where was that ball going?

Another drop.

Iā€™m giving TVD a pass just on the drops alone. They need to stay after practice just to work on the timing.

Concussion :face_with_head_bandage:

Bad landing. Looks serious.

Miami burning clock like they are ahead in this game. :roll_eyes:

A screen play to a RB could be something