Miami Out-recruiting Competition

How long before the NCAA blows this up with a bullshit investigation? :grin:

I think the NCAA is starting to lose its teeth. There is less and less they can do about the money. We need to see how that NIL lawsuit plays out because it might leave them even weaker.

But I do wonder why we just had 2 good recruiters leave. I also hope they don’t try to take kids with them.


The NIL changes should have taken place years ago. College football is a huge business generating formidable revenue. A college scholarship is not fair compensation for talent, especially when coaches can earn salaries in the millions of dollars.

Then, we have the remuneration chasm between the professoriate and coaches of major sports. Our society values athletic spectacles more than it does academic distinction. We’re not appreciably different than the citizens of Ancient Rome. No Nobel laureate ever made a professor’s salary even close to what we pay the more valuable Mario Cristobal.

Universities are also epicenters of employee discord, jealousy, envy, and incivility. At every university, you’ll find significant amounts of faculty hatred, some of it spawned by the most mundane and petty matters such as distribution of parking spaces. And of course, the highest paid employees of universities are coaches; in fact, coaches are the highest paid public employees in many states of our union. Coaches are highly appreciated.