Miami out of Sun Bowl due to COVID-19 issues


7-5. Not how I saw this season going.
Hope to start hearing about staff being hired ASAP.

I’ll miss the annual bowl game loss.

From now on, all Miami Hurricanes bowl games should be held on Festivus.because of … you know … The Airing of Grievances.

The societal overreaction to COVID continues. Sad!

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I wanted to see this young offense play.

Bring on the new staff.

I like festivus

Leave it out of football discussions please. You can all go to the sewer and take it up there with your usual ilk who live all of your lives there and continue to convince yourselves that covid is a made-up thing. I’d rather not have every effing discussion on this board devolve into a political rant by the right wing…IF that’s ok with you all.

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Guess the truth hurts. Even the NFL realizes how dumb this has become. Which is why they’re going with new testing protocols. If the players are vaccinated and aren’t showing symptoms then there is absolutely no reason for them not to play.

And who has ever said Covid is made up?

Note to self: Never mention COVID in a thread about COVID.

Listen, Lady … one short, declarative sentence is hardly a “rant.” The cancellation of bowl games seems a bit much to me given the circumstances. Or, do I need your permission to express such a conclusion? :

Whatever, the Sun Bowl is nothing to get upset about one way or the other. I think they should have given the kids the option to play (or opt out) and allow them to knowingly assume whatever very small risks may be involved given their age and physical condition. I assume all the players are vaccinated. I wonder if any of them are even sick or did they merely test positive?

:rofl: :rofl::rofl: