Merry Christmas to All of You

I will accompany my girlfriend to midnight mass at St. Joseph’s, a Catholic church whose congregation is predominantly African-American. There the service is anything but dullsville since they have a wonderful choir which I think steals the show. I like Christmas music, and I enjoy their jazz renditions of various carols. Too, I enjoy how warmly the people treat one another at the completion of the service. It is exemplary human behavior. If only the brotherhood would last the entire year there’d be greater hope for humanity.

It’s been now twenty or more years that I’ve written posts in this forum and the previous one. I have high regard for you the faithful Hurricanes fans, and I wish you a joyful Christmas experience.

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I too wish you all happy holidays. I hope you all enjoy your time with family and friends. Safe travels to all.

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Merry Christmas All

Merry Christmas Bikks