
Seems ironic that the party who attacks DEI policies as not based upon merit want to fire the entire civil servant staffs in the US Government and replace them with party loyalists.

How’s that for meritocracy?

Fire the dead weight that isn’t performing or those that go through back channels to undermine your authority, absolutely!

As a business owner, would you keep employees that went behind your back and tried to submarine you at every turn? I’m guessing no.

You’re either being dishonest or ignorant, or both. They’re not “firing the dead weight.” By definition, by their own words…they are replacing the entirety of the civil servants to replace with party loyalists…civil servants who have historically been non-partisan. Not once have they even made an allegation of performance issues…we’re talking about 50,000 civil servants.

No evidence of that whatsoever, nor is their even an allegation. Trump tried to do things that were illegal and was told repeatedly that he could not by said civil servants, who cited the law. They want to replace them with people who will ignore the law and do whatever he wants, hence moving into an authoritarian dictatorship. And no, if my accountant told me something was illegal, I wouldn’t fire them and replace them with someone who said it was okay. That’s the point of the accountant.

I wonder, man…its an either/or thing…you’re either overwhelmingly dimwitted or overwhelmingly dishonest.

Which is it?

I’d say that I’m I guy that can see through the BS.

I feel like I’m listening to MSNBC with you. I usually know what you will post before you post it. Just have to listen to the media that will lie to your face.

If I wanted to believe the absolute worst of someone, and I hated them, I could easily spew your take, which is the normy take. It’s boring. Nothing interesting about the Trump is the devil take.

I not a loyalist for Trump. Couldn’t stand him in 2016. But I can see through the attacks, especially when they’ve been proven wrong over and over.

I’m sure that’s what you’d say. I’d say you’re by far the biggest GOP lemming in the forum, regurgitating the most basic of their lies without even the slightest effort in thinking beyond a bumper sticker.

Yet, you have gotten your ass handed to you on nearly every post and not even tried to defend 99% of it. You just move onto the next talking point.

You sure seem like one. Again, if I labeled anyone on here the most basic GOP lemming, you’d have sign.

I could flip that on you in the other direction but what’s the point?

The thing is, if you hear 99% of the media telling the public one thing and you have the other side saying something else, I’d say that there is a good chance the lemming side is the side that parrots the mainstream media that has proven to be wrong for so long.

I’m going to sound like GSC here, but I actually listen to progressive radio on a semi regular basis on the way home from work. I don’t agree with them, but I hear their perspective. They have a different view of the world, and I can occasionally chalk up a few good points. I find them mostly Godless haters of America, but for some reason I can’t help but listen to them.

We’ve got two vastly different views of how America should go right now and it sucks that whichever way it goes there’s going to be half the population that’s pissed. That’s not a good thing.

Party loyalists?

I want the best people for the job.

And just so we’re clear on how serious I am…

I am vehemently opposed to Vance. Don’t like him.

I hate the projected Treasury secretary pics of Jamie Dimon or the Head of Black Rock.

This is Trump’s absolute worst attribute (personnel decisions). He’s terrible at it. Always a failure.

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Honest question, trump said he will hire only the best people. He chose JD Vance who may as well be bagger Vance. He hires one terrible person after another. For someone that so many respect - trump fucks up a lot when hiring people to be on his staff in the White House.

I’m not a huge fan of Vance. I don’t hate him as much as you do.

I think the calculation is that he shores up the base. If you look at 2016 to 2020, Trump gained in most demographics but had lower turnout from his base.

Vance was picked due to his mid-western past. The states of Michigan, Ohio, Pennyslvania, and Wisconsin will seal the deal if Trump wins them which I think he will. I believe Trump should have picked Nicki Haley who would have delivered many Democrat Party votes. To his credit, Vance is articulate and likely a rather formidable debater. I can’t say at this moment whether I truly like him or not. I am on wait and see status presently with respect to Vance.

Trump will pick some excellent aides. I hope he has a place for Ramaswamy whom I like very much. Haley can help Trump despite their differences.

How did the republicans allow trump to take their party hostage? This election would have been over if Haley, Desantis, or Rubio were running. Trump is awful. If trump loses how many of the maga people are going to get run out of town?

Tell me you want to fix immigration…I get it but you can’t take 10-12 million people and put them on trains and ship them out. I don’t care what side of immigration you’re on…that is not common sense. The people that have been here are most likely staying unless they commit crimes. You have to deal with the ones that want to come in.

You can’t have someone come in a lower taxes right now and go on a spending spree like trump will and think it will work. The reality is trump does not care about cutting spending. Guy has never been about spending less.

You can’t have a VP who said women can’t have abortion even in cases of rape and incest. Honestly anyone that feels this way…let the same person rape them in the ass right now.

Next you can’t make fun of women even in jest that if they can’t have children that it’s like some

All trump had to do was stfu and hire Haley, maybe even Tulsi and he wins going away.

My biggest issue with trump supporters is they think he is some genius business man…while if you ask anyone worth a damn who has been successful they laugh at him. One person recently described him as an actor, I agree. I also see him as the greatest con.

Trump reminds me of Kris Jenner. I think she is actually smarter. She took a group of girls who have zero talent and turned them into billionaires. This should tell you how stupid people are in this country. I give Kris credit because it worked. Trump is a salesmen…he is also a con man. He took the apprentice and used social media to turn him into some famous circus clown.

He in turn realized - abortion, guns, lower taxes and people’s bibles along with coming in after a black president was a perfect storm. He told peoe basically in code that brown and black people were taking over. My partner hates him but will only vote Republican so trump gets his vote by default.

I see through trump because I personally have dealt with someone like him my entire life, my father. Like trump he was a developer in both Miami, Palm beach and NJ. His home was on kings road in palm beach five minutes away. So growing up with someone like trump who I never saw eye to eye with…it’s easy for me to see who trump really is. I just wish other people saw it. I liked Nikki Haley before she bowed down to trump. The best thing that could happen to the right is trump loses and they get rid of maga.

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Lol what?!?

Yes, if a women is raped by her father or uncle and gets pregnant and someone thinks it is wrong for her to have an abortion that’s wrong. Having a women be forced to have a child which was conceived from being raped is wrong. That women has to look at that kid their entire life.if a women is raped by a relative like her father and gets pregnant she should be able to choose to not have the kid.

Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ^^^^^

Read one paragraph and you can always count on nole80 for a gem

It’s easy for nole80…He wishes others could see it…Sad face.

I don’t see this as advantage…Just because he is from there?

Elite80 really nailed it. In a blind squirrel finding a nut manner, he made what I find to be an incredibly accurate pronouncement when he wrote:

All trump had to do was stfu and hire Haley, maybe even Tulsi and he wins going away.

I find Fish is seldom right when it comes to politics, but damned if he isn’t right on this one.


I don’t know if I agree. I’m just not so sure how much a VP sways the ticket. I agree that Vance doesn’t help him much.

The Republicans are on the wrong side of the abortion issue. It’s the one thing on which the public at large agrees with Democrats. The way to lose an election is to wrap the party in religious zeal regarding abortion. Plain and simple, women’s rights are NOT equal to those of men if women cannot rule their own bodies. No doubt abortion is an ugly thing, but it is a scientific procedure that allows humans to control population. It is time for humans to shed their species chauvinism. Humans are animals, mammals to be specific, and laws of animal husbandry also apply to humans especially during times of famine and threat to the existence of the herd.

It will be interesting what other herd members think of this post.

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