Mario hired Kevin Smith from Ole Miss as RB coach

What do you all know about him? He good? I honestly don’t know.

New RB Coach

One of the best RBs in his day. From Miami. Can recruit and develop.

Had that crazy season for UCF in ‘07ish with like 2500 yards rushing. From Southridge. Coached under Lane with great success at both Ole Piss and FAU. Should be a good one - esp for one of the easier position groups to coach.

Slight upgrade imo

RB coach is probably the least important from a technique teaching standpoint…But I like Smith

I call it only a small upgrade because Hickson did well recruiting here. Hickson was keepable imo Smith is supposedly a rising star though. Reportedly a DVD like personality as a recruiter and even as a coach…High energy


I heard DVD is staying too?

Don’t like that at all. In the arena of the NIL deal you don’t need the best recruiters, you can buy recruits, you need real coaches.

Not sure Cristobal understands that yet.

DVD won’t be an on the field coach though so eh…him staying won’t hurt anything.

I don’t think that’s been decided yet

I’m all for DVD staying as CB coach

Is it a must? No not by any means…Are there other more accomplished coaches, sure. But I’m fine with DVD