Manny To Duke?

That’s the rumor …

Kind of surprised that he wants to be a HC again but I guess the huge raise makes it tempting.

Good DC not such a great HC IMHO. If Blake James wasn’t an idiot who panicked when Richt unexpectedly retired, Diaz would have never been the HC at Miami. James could have hired a much better HC but he didn’t even bother to look, made the lazy/easy hire and got played by Diaz and Temple.

Duke has much lower expectations for its football team than Miami does so if he wins 6+ games/year, he is probably good.

Anyway, good for Manny if it happens. Seems like a decent guy.

What if they beat next year. Mario may have to leave town.

Yeah, Diaz wasn’t horrible for us, just wasn’t a good HC. As DC he did well and I’m sure he has learned a few things under Franklin. But, let’s not kid ourselves, he has Miami circled on his calendar.