I rarely use language, but it is crystal clear that this administration doesn’t give a damn about it’s citizens that they are supposed to be protecting and serving.
Look at him…Emotional
(His favorite side really “gives a damn” huh?)
LOL. I hope they leave people like Skeeter homeless. The wife beating loser bet on Trump. Once again how does a genius of a man like Trump have a casino go bankrupt?
I actually agree with him and I’ll explain why.
We’re almost $37 trillion in debt. That number is astounding.
But moreover, we have critical infrastructure and supply chain issues that would severely hinder us if we fought a serious war.
Right now, America depends HEAVILY on China for semiconductors and other military tech supplies.
This tariff exercise is a way to “reshore” a lot of this so America is less dependent on rivals for military superiority.
Between our debt and our supply chain risk, we HAVE to do some of the things that Trump is doing…. Even if it means a short recession. It just is what it is.
What’s the old saying? It has to get worse to get better.
When did I bet on Trump?
When was I married?
When did I beat a woman?
Lunatic just blurting out any old thing… Distraught
I’m sure you’ll get a calm, rationale, sane response here @GardenStateCane
“The problem is…GSC says he is a religious man”
You do realize trump added to the debt more than any other president in recent memory. His tax cuts are going to explode the deficit even more.
It is like you turn a blind eye to everything trump does wrong.!
Gsc, your boy Kennedy has seen more cases of measles under his watch this year than all of last year combined. You ok with this incompetency.
What do we need to see for you to say enough is enough.
You’re going to see more and more Republicans pivoting to saying how necessary a recession is and how it’s a good thing for America.
Gas prices were a little high under Biden? He was a total screw up. Now it’s okay though.
They will convince you the Trumpcession is a good thing.
Happens both ways….Both sides like to point out that they are cleaning up the other’s mess.
Something other than the little bullshit you are pointing out…. There is literally nothing to meltdown over at this point other than your side lost.
I’m giving trump ehhh a year and a half or so with gas prices and grocery prices. I’ve never really been a diehard trumper, but voting for him over these other maniacs was really needed. But yeah if we start getting into mid '26 or so and the only progress I see is renaming a fuc king body of water and saying we won the war against gender bending (again which I do consider progress, but as long as we get it away from kids, I don’t consider it much of a war) …With no change in the economy, I will be as critical as anyone. Trump annoys the shit out of me on many fronts, but others I’m right on board with him.
This other shit that people like this asshole I’m quoting are just meltdown reactions to some things being done differently.
That is the trump way. He is the great con man. He is the ultimate three card monty player. Trump is about distraction so you take your eye off the truth.
Trump doesn’t care about citizens? Yes he does. That’s why he was elected in spite of the leftist haters.
Have things along the border improved after a month of MAGA?
Did Biden offer any peace plans to end the Ukraine War?
Do people want a Leviathan government that fritters away their tax dollars on dubious projects such as supporting transgender nonsense? Should men and women shower together like the Biden family?
Why in education has our country gone from first to last in achievement since the creation of a Department of Education?
Isn’t it logical that when you’re 37 trillion dollars in debt to try to get government spending under control? Or do you just keep printing new currency, causing value dilution and inflation?
GSC’s comment is an example of pure common sense, and common sense is the real driver of the MAGA movement. More slowly than here in the U.S., Europe too is seeing an increasing MAGA-like rebellion of its people.
Making the U.S., Canada, and Greenland one country is a great idea. Make it one big MAGA nation. Those of you who are religious should be thanking Trump for saving the country from the wackos.
We had recession under Biden. Then they redefined recession to hide it. What’s your point? Shit happens.
It’s one thing that stuff happens. It’s altogether different when it is done intentionally like the way this administration is doing it. But since it’s Trump, you will go along with it and turn a blind eye to it.
Yes, they did have a recession under Biden which was gone once he left office. You do realize that Trump added to the debt more than any other president in the past 20-30 years? You do realize when you give out more money then you take in there is probably going to be problems.
Bikki, why is debt no big deal when it happens under Trump. He more than double the deficit under his watch. You have bought hook, line and sinker into his bs. This country is not going to get better under trump. Watch, he is going to make Elon Musk much richer. Probably make him the first guy to get to a trillon. The tax cuts are going to the very wealthy.
As for transgender - there was what 1-2 athletes who performed. There is less than 1 percent of the country who is transgender. Are we really going to sell this BS. The left should have never fallen into this trap the right ALWYAS seems to set. Oh the left is going to take your bibles, wrong, They are going to take away your guns, wrong, They are going to turn the country gay, wrong. When the left falls into this bs trap they always lose. Transgender bs is just that, bs.
Inflation…Trump set the inflation for Biden in his last go around. He is about to set this country up for more inflation. When he fails will you finally come around.
Bikki, on another subject. I listened to Michael Savage last night on Gavin Newsome podcast. I have heard him on the radio before. While we don’t align on our politics, I can still agree with him on some things. I think he understands that there is actual problems in this country but there is also a solution and both sides can be right. This constant oh the libs/left way of thinking is wrong. I listened to O’Bannon with Gavin and honestly he sounds like all the nut jobs in the Republican party now.
While Newsome has flaws as a politican, he should have been the nominee on the left. They made a major mistake in allowing Kamala be the choice. Gavin is way more articulate than Trump and honestly would have made Trump look like a fool. What is funny is Trump actually likes Gavin.
Lol you mean the one that lasted 2 months?
Look, almost every single US president will deal with a recession, even if very small. Trump had a technical small one too in 2020.
If we only have a 2 month recession now it obviously won’t be a big deal. I don’t think people are worried about that.
Pretty much.
“But according to Trump’s own administration, inflation worsened once he took over. And it’s a pattern—consumer sentiment, job growth, and the stock market have all declined since Trump inherited the best-performing economy in the world from Biden.”
This is what it is for me. I don’t care who is in office as long as they are performing well. Trump is not performing well. He didn’t do good in his first term so I just don’t understand why people allowed him back in. He was a terrible president. In his first term, it was “Obama this!” and “Obama that!” and now it’s “Biden this!” and “Biden that!”. Someone needs to tell him that he’s the president and he needs to do his job. He’s not a king, he is supposed to be a servant to the American people. I will be so glad once his term is over. He will never ever be able to become the POTUS ever again!
Ya, ok you blind partisan cunt
Trump is not performing well. How is that possible. All he does is win. Putin wants to so badly screw over Trump. I don’t know if he can because Trump is basically one of the only Pals he has but this could get very interesting.
Trump used to mention the stock market all the time. He got hammered after Covid and market recovered. Now what is his excuse. All he does is win. Lol. You wonder how he bankrupted a casino? Just look at how he runs this country. It is easy to see why.