Look- more non election fraud evidence!

Watch this Warden-

Fact check #1 Detroit free press (slime)

City says there were too many challengers inside

That’s their excuse. Too many people so they had to throw them out. Lol.

#1 why are we taking the word of the accused on this? It’s the Executive Branch of Detroit and their machine we accused of misconduct so now we trust their explanation?

#2 why didn’t they kick all democrats out? Why was it vastly Republican challengers and poll workers?

As I’ve said- I can go line by line and point out every assumption, bias, or testimony we shouldn’t accept…. But you don’t care.

You only care that you have a link that says what you want it to say because it forces others to work and you to be lazy.

Find that Philly video from this summer/fall @GardenStateCane…If I get a chance tonite or tomorrow I’ll look for it.

They were literally saying “people don’t need to know” or a phrase to that effect.

No they haven’t…Some of the fact checks were outright comedy.

I don’t even get into most of the election convos. But those fact checks weren’t convincing at all.

That’s because I made a decision BASED ON THE FACTS, not making my decision and then finding something that matches up with it, like you do. That’s one of the issues with you Republicans. The news isn’t liberal. Liberals use the news to form opinions.

This is your logic - I read the Dictionary and get the definition of a dog - a domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, nonretractable claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice.

So, I believe that’s what a dog is. You think a dog is a cat. I cite the Dictionary and you tell me that’s convenient that all my “fact checks” prove I’m right and you’re wrong. It’s not nefarious. You’re just wrong and made your decisions based upon bullshit.

See, you can prove me wrong with fact checks, more information, etc.I think it’s a badge of honor to change my mind, as I’ve learned something I didn’t know before or that my thoughts were wrong on a subject. I’ll change my opinion based upon the information you provide and the validity of that information.

You won’t and therein lies the key to the entire argument

Says the guy who earlier in the day was dismissing “fact checks” in general, as a rule.

We’ve already gone through how little effort you put into anything, don’t do your own research on anything, and have a disdain for “fact checks” in general. Add all that up and it’s the definition of willful ignorance.

I do plenty of my own research…I did cut back on it, at least on the usual topics of contention about 6-8 months ago. Although some of it is in the twitter thread in between the snarky but sensible points and contentions.

The main reason I quit was liberals and Fauci mocked everyone who “did their own research”…Must be bad for me, ya know

My Lord… You are literally using ad hominem against the fact checkers in the same breath…

Do you have a counter to the ACTUAL INFORMATION Warden posted or are you just dismissing it based on the source?

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More and more republicans really just want Trump to go away.

But I didn’t- I actually provided an example of why they are biased. I can provide more.

Not in that post. But yes, a couple of posts later you did argue against one of his points.

Some real gems in here, had to quote for posterity.

Humility and the construction of knowledge

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Dick ride time^^^

The liberal news brainwashes their followers***

Fixed it for ya.

Brainwashed cult…Plain and simple

Nazi’s weren’t German, German’s just used Nazi’s to operate Skeeter!

I mean- imagine anyone using this dumbass logic.

Liberal have absolutely infiltrated both the media and academia and have institutionalized liberal thought into mainstream ideas. To even argue this is retarded. But then again- that’s why Djrion would agree.

Not unlike showing a picture of someone by a shredder box and saying it’s proof of widespread voter fraud….

Why would someone access a shredder box that was supposed to be locked and secure to remove items from it?

Give me some scenarios 51.

I don’t need to. You need to give some context around where/when/what that was. It was a picture of someone by a shredder box with nothing else.

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