
The LB position was definitely a problem for UM last year. Our backers were undersized and I think were responsible for our being the next to last collegiate team in defending the Red Zone. We were also below average in stopping 3rd down conversion plays.

It has been years since we had a true terror playing the LB position, but this year, our dreams may turn into reality. I have watched the films of all prospective LBs, and I feel that two of them are going to be spectacular LBs. Malik Bryant is one of the two. When all is said and done, Malik is going to be a monster Alabama-like LB who has good speed an frequently body slams opponents when tackling. Physically, Malik is a formidable weight lifter, getting stronger all the time. It will be an extraordinary coup getting this kid. who may wind up starting immediately.

The best LB I watched play this year is Jaquavious Russaw. This kid is going to a star wherever he plays. He’s already what you’d call oversized, but in spite of his size, he is reputed to have sprinter speed. Watching his films, you see this giant marauder running down fleet running backs from behind. His reflexes are cat quick, he recovers very rapidly when faked or blocked, and still manages to make the tackle. When Qua as he is called hits them, they stay down for a while. Few pop up like energizer bunnies. His speed augments the power of the hit. Qua is a true terror on the field. Lamentably, he is probably going to Georgia which is hotly contested for his services by Alabama. If somehow, Mario could snag this guy, he might turn out to be a legend.

The question on Bryant is is he a tweener…Especially if he’s not playing a 3-4

I think he can make the transition to LB though…Maybe even Mike if his instincts take to it.

I’m an Aguirre fan…I think Aguirre, BW, MB is a great haul at LB.

Bryant to UM after all!

Great get. He’ll be one of the physically strongest players on the team. I had him as one of the two best LBs available. Tremendous size. In a year or two, he’ll be up in the 250lb range. It has been a long while since we’ve had a player his size at the LB position.

Mario is living up to his reputation as a strong recruiter. I thought Florida was going to snag him away from the Canes. This class could be the best in decades.

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LB Sam Brooks gone as is OL Cleveland Reed.