Let's go bowling!

OK, it’s anti-climatic for sure. And, yes, we will be missing key pieces like Kichens and, uhh, a QB. My son is a Rutgers grad and he is going with some friends. I am sure Schiano will have them somewhat pumped up. I can see Miami winning just on superior talent. But doubt it will be because they are “playing with their hair on fire.” Maybe some youngsters seeing the field will bring it.

Winner is sort of a toss-up to me.

This is a big game. Miami wants to show they’re trending in right direction. From 5-7 to 8-5(9-4) would be a significant improvement.

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I’m afraid the motivation edge goes to Rutgers. We also have Brown starting at QB and a bunch of opt outs. I’m not optimistic.

Rutgers will be one of the worst offenses you face this season. Miami can basically line up and punt every drive and still win the game. Greg has done a great job but their offense is not good.

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Given our history over the past 20 years, nothing is a given anymore. However, it seems as if the team has been bonding and enjoying the Big Apple from some of the reports that I have been seeing. I think we win this one and I think we rely on the run game alot at first with a few Jacurri runs and let him settle in. I hope they just let him play.

What I’d like to see more than anything is Jacurri Brown showing some improvement. Dawson needs a game plan with plays Jacurri can handle. I’d like to see some rhythm in our offense where we successfully execute long drives. Jacurri needs to run the ball for a hundred yards and execute a QUICK, emphasis quick, short passing game. I don’t want to see any 50/50 long passes down field. We need to throw 80/20 passes, We want zero turnovers this game. I want to see Brashard Smith get more touches; it was criminal how few touches this kid got this season, and he’s dynamite in the YAC category. On third downs, I want to see some TEs crossing over the middle. Lastly, if our rushing game is working, we need to avoid getting pass happy. When it’s all said and done, nothing shows team toughness like playing successful smash mouth football.

Brashard apparently did not travel w team. Strong rumors of transfer.

Probably feelings of being underutilized. And he’d be right. What a waste.

They are, and they just cake walked over Miami for the first score…

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Rutgers isn’t as bad as you guys think. And they have a full team. Remember, they have a ton of motivation to beat Miami.

They also took OSU to the wire.

Fletcher getting hurt here is a really bad sign.


We’re 1-10 in bowl games since our 21-20 win over Nevada in Coker’s potato bowl finale’ in Boise back in 2006. I had no idea that that particular game would more or less be a high point in our accomplishment for 20 years. And sorry, there’s just no more excuses for it. 1-10 and I mean, most were not very good games - not majors. A lot Pinstripes, Champs Sports and Shreveport type games, ya know?


Agreed TMC. I can’t explain it. Terrible coaching certainly plays a factor. But that alone shouldn’t cause that bad of a record.

I know a lot of players will opt out for the bowl game.

Does that include mentally opting out each year?

Their bodies are there. But their heads are some…place…else.

Brown isn’t helping his stock in this game. He looks bad.

He looks like a guy that hasn’t taken a game snap in 13 months

Thank goodness for Rutgers #71.

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Holy crap! A slant!!

Sorry, but I really don’t think Dawson is that good an OC… I’m sick of rushes into the teeth of the D on short yardage situations that only go for a yard when he needs 4 or more.

It’s always the same stupid play… EVERYONE knows what’s coming. EVERY DAMN time.

If I’m Mario, I’m shopping for a new OC ASAP.

1-11 in bowls since 2006

That’s soooooo bad.