DOGE is in jeopardy of ceasing to exist thanks to the very words out of his own mouth.
But I thought someone else was in charge of DOGE? You can’t make this stuff up.
DOGE is in jeopardy of ceasing to exist thanks to the very words out of his own mouth.
But I thought someone else was in charge of DOGE? You can’t make this stuff up.
But wait! There’s more!
Such a weird post and such a weird lawsuit.
DOGE is an executive agency.
Trump is the Head of the Executive Branch.
He has full authority to put anyone there.
Furthermore- why would anyone be against government wanting to find waste, fraud, abuse, and dumb programs we shouldn’t be spending on?
It’s like anti trumpers simply take the side opposite Trump just because he’s Trump.
If Trump started an anti cancer agency tomorrow they’d oppose it.
It’s such a ridiculous mindset. Grow up already.
Gsc, for all the so called fraud wtf have they found. How are those epstein files going. Jesus, you just buy into this crap - hook, line and sinker. Do you realize trump is corrupt. Elon has major contracts with the us government. They have found zilch…where is this great fraud.
Thus moron of a president sent the supreme leader of iran an ultimatum- either make a deal or we go to war. Do you guys realize what a god damn moron this man is. Dangerous and stupid is not a great combination. Dont worry make america great again. Clown show. This shit gets worse every day. I am sure the wife beating, stalker poster will have your back again.
100% correct. He has that authority. That’s not the issue. The issue is the lie that was told. One minute some lady was in charge of DOGE, but the truth is that Elon was in charge the entire time. DOGE is not looking for money to come back to us taxpayers. They are manipulating everything to the advantage of Elon, Trump, and his buddies. Check out my “Thoughts on this” thread. It outlines everything.
And blind Trump supporters take his side simply because he’s Trump no matter how many lies he told. By the way, money was not spent on transgender mice. Money was spent on transgenic procedures involving mice. I bet not one single Trump supporter bothered to check to see if that was actually true.
Growing up is realizing that the man you voted for lied to you and has been putting together policies that only enrich millionaires and billionaires and common folk get left behind to deal with the consequences.
Watch any cult leader and how their believers act. MAGA is a cult.
No, most people have morals and realize trump is a pos. Why would a life long democrat run as a republican? The reason why is because he knew people on the left would not fall for his shit.
It honestly doesn’t matter who he says is in charge. If he wanted to he could take everyone on this board and make us in charge of DOGE for each day and then rotate us. Article II of the Constitution. Look it up.
Nah- I’ll show you why Trump won
We’re tired of the rehearsed, controlled “hive mind”…. The ones that are taught to say one thing (all together) and then when they take power - do another.
Trump is authentic and he actually keeps his promises.
Like Led Zepp used to say
Ramble Ooonnnn!!!
We’re tired of the rehearsed, controlled “hive mind - Do you read what you post before you hit reply. Trump is the ultimate I say the same things over and over again and people LIKE GSC repeat it. All he does is repeat the same talking points over and over again. He distracts you with BS so you never realize that nothing is getting done. Keep supporting him. I want Trump to keep firing, keep gutting feeral departments. I want every single person who voted for him to feel the pain because the guy is a moron…You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. Enjoy the game of Trump.
Yea- but you missed my point. It’s his words.
You don’t see the entire Republican Party and Trump repeating the same focus group tested taking points over and over and over. Theres a difference.
You’re right. We don’t need everyone repeating the same exact lies all the time.
How soon they forget…
So funny that this cunt SC has now discovered tiktok
Like anyone’s gonna click on that shit.
Rubio is a good person. Met him a few times when his son was playing football for belen and the other one for true north. He wanted to move up the chain and had to make a deal with the devil.