Last game Justin break

After watching Miami football for more than sixty years I believe, this yearā€™s team is the worst coached team ever. Itā€™s especially discouraging when seeing how successful FSU has become under Mike Norvell.

Mario needs to fire both Gattis and Steele. It wouldnā€™t be a disappointment to me if UM fired the entire coaching staff including Mario. Team play throughout the season was unacceptable. We not only didnā€™t see an improved rushing game; we had no rushing game. We went into the season with a QB on the rise, and now we may have destroyed a talented kid. The Hurricanes were supposed to have a top notch QB room; we now have an empty room.

The Hurricanes this year were WORSE than last year, far worse. Miami looked like a bad team even in games that they won. Perhaps UM deserves its own fate. Three times it could have hired Mike Leach and resurrected the program. IMO, if Miami doesnā€™t come up with a Mike Leach, Sonny Dykes, Lincoln Riley, or Josh Heupel clone to revamp completely its offense, weā€™ll fail again next year.

My prediction is that Mario will fire neither Gattis nor Steele, and next year will be a mediocre year at best. If I had my druthers, Iā€™d fire Mario now, Iā€™ve lost faith completely in Cristobal; Iā€™d break the bank and offer Leach a Mario-like contract. Leach doesnā€™t need a top recruiting class to win. Leach ALWAYS finds a QB. And, lastly, Leach will fill up the stadium, something other Miami coaches have failed to do.

I agree with almost all of it. Man, you really like Mike Leach. I mean, you really like Mike Leach.


Iā€™m also a member of the sixty year + watching group and back in the past we had some pretty awful showings, especially pre-Howard days. This team ranks right up there with the worst teams. Even some of those with worse win-loss records looked better than the garbage display we witnessed this season. Iā€™m finding it inexcusable for Mario to come rolling in here and end up with this mess. Yeah, itā€™s his first season here but heā€™s touted as a good, experienced head coach and great recruiter. We end up with a staff full of highly questionable coaches though, terrible play calling and field play, a team that has the quit syndrome, and plenty of very embarrassing losses. CBS is showing us ranked 77th, behind the likes of UAB, App State, San Jose State, W. Kentucky, Liberty and North Texas, etc. Really??? Itā€™s going to be very interesting to see just how well Mario can recruit after this seasonā€™s debacle. Marioā€™s the cash cow here and UM is potentially the laughing stock once again for yet another dud hire. I know Mario isnā€™t going anywhere yet but if next season is anything close to this one he will be run out of Miami. Canedom wonā€™t take it twice in a row from him.

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Of all the things I saw this year, itā€™s the fact that none of these coaches try to push and apply play calling to take advatage of what their players do well or possibly excel at?! TCU, Tennessee, LSU, USC, Utah and Washington are PERFECT examples of coaching staffs, actually maximizing their players abilities. THIS is nowhere to be seen with this staff, itā€™s like they were stuck in their ways on O and Dā€¦damned be the results.

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To be fair, a lot of those coaches took over rosters built for their schemes. Gattis and Mario werenā€™t willing to adjust on O. Last years D wasnā€™t good and this years D suffered at the hands of our O.

Find an OC that knows multiple schemes and can adjust the O to the fit of the players. Innovation is the key thus Iā€™m not willing to take Mike Leach as he hasnā€™t adjusted at all. Sure he could get Miami to 10-2 but he would always drop 2 -4 games.

Thereā€™s always an excuse for these guys.

If you coach at this level you should be familiar with all systems and be able to adapt to maximize your personnel.

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Hope you arenā€™t saying Iā€™m giving them an out. Excuses are fine so long as they are repeated. Mario has to land a more cohesive staff and better get the O clicking OR the fan base will be done for good.

I dunno. Seems kinda crazy on both sides to hire a guy for nearly 2M expecting him to leave in 2 years after great successā€¦

ā€¦knowing his approach doesnā€™t fit the players you haveā€¦.so he wonā€™t be able to have great successā€¦so he wonā€™t be able to promote out in 2 yearsā€¦so you really spent 2M on something destined to fail.

Not this ish again!

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To be very clear, Gattis runs a pro spread much like many other coaches. His implementation of the pro spread SUCKS!!! Simple details like calling off play-action fakes when it looks like a DB will have a free run at the QB havenā€™t been implemented. How many times did we see the QB hit because the D has the numbers and our QB had no outlet/dump off? Limited rollouts to help the OL and QB. This was more PRO than SPREAD. Sure we used 11 personnel but our tempo is SLOW, route tree are limited, we prefer tight formations, we prefer to run into loaded boxes vs finding advantages to run the ball from spread formations.

Dan Mullens, Scott Frost, Art Briles, Chip Kelly(at Oregon), Steve Sarkisian, and Brian Kelly all run or have run Pro Spread offenses. Gattis seams to have a playbook and wants to run specific plays BUT doesnā€™t know how to adjust it to our players AND what defenses are doing to adjust. He literally has gone away from things that actually worked. He continues to run bunched formations, especially in the red zone with bad protection schemes.

IF Gattis is to stay, Mario better bring in an innovative person that has a ton of input even if Gattis doesnā€™t like it.

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I just know there is no excuse for this record. IF we have to have a top 5 recruiting class year in year out just to win 9 games?!?!?! Thatā€™s a coaching issue top to bottom. This was maybe the easiest layup of a schedule Iā€™ve seen in forever and it was a disaster season. At MINIMUM, it should have been 8 wins.

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No - not you specifically. Iā€™ve been hearing this same shit for 20 years.

That was killer. By the end of the season opposing teams knew they could blitz at will and never be punished. Guy with a clear line to the QB? Take it b/c itā€™ll be three seconds before any receiver hits their spot and the QB is a sitting duck.

Opposing defenses never had to think quick given our ā€œcheck with meā€ approach, and were never gassed. How crazy is that? Imagine playing a whole game on defense and having 20-30 seconds between plays to catch your breath, read formations, call specific plays instead of sitting in base. Our offensive gameplanning/approach essentially put opposing defenses in the best position to succeed. Infuriating.


This is where Iā€™m at, and I called this a throwaway 6-6 rebuilding season VERY early on.

Hereā€™s the thing: If we had kept the last coaching staff that was run out of here, there is a near certainty that we would have won another couple of games. Near certainty.

Now I understand that a completely new staff sets things back in many respects, it presses reset and requires some time to get booted up again. I get that.

But to fail so dramatically in almost every single department is just shocking. Thereā€™s no better word for the amount of suck that we saw but shocking. It just defies belief.

Really, ignore recruiting and the offseason. Just look at the start of the season, gameday, game prep, practice, playbook, personnel - all the active decision coaches make.

Did we improve ANYWHERE? Did we see a single thing during the games that gives anyone hope???

It makes me sick just thinking about it.


I saw regression and not progression.

except that Lashlee was heading out the door. Maybe throwing a dump truck of cash at him would have stopped it. There just wasnā€™t buy-in from the boosters to pay for a product that kept getting worse, especially on D.

The best OC weā€™ve had in such a long time.

Iā€™d have thrown cash at him. We need to start doing that more often for those that are worth it.

Ivey- kid actually looked good when asked to cover man-on-man with deep help.
TS2- I actually think he improved a bunch this year but that could just be health.
Kam- big improvements.
X- He is getting close to his ceiling as a WR. Injuries (himself and TVD) limited his overall impact.
Brantley- kid has a good future IF someone realizes he is our best blocking TE/HB by a mile.

Best one weā€™ve had since Jedd Fisch. Look at the gap of time between these two OCs. Miami has been offensive purgatory for the better part of a decade.

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