Kamala and her swimming partner

Here, Kamala has made an unusually bad choice in selecting a white guy. Now watch Warden try and tell us that it is just an AI fake.

Bikki please tell me you aren’t this stupid / clueless / out of touch.

He’s absolutely that stupid, and absolutely that dishonest.

But, Trump calling Epstein 85 times, including at 3am isn’t fake. Trump being on Epstein’s flight logs isn’t fake. These pictures aren’t fake either


But, for Bikki…the immorality isn’t a byproduct, it’s the feature.

Trump kept an underage girl quiet by paying her off. He liked walking in on underaged girls at pageants were getting dressed. Trump could rape someone on live tv and would still get defended by his cult followers.

My original post was a joke which I knew would not be regarded as such. It was just a personal experiment to test perspicaciousness in which most of you failed. Trump by the way had nothing to do with Epstein, or he’d already be indicted for same. Actually, Trump is much of a Boy Scout and neither smokes nor drinks. He also raises exemplary children.

I thought it might have been which is why I asked.

The fact that you even mentioned AI generation was a plus in your favor, so I figured you had finally decided to employ skepticism for once.

Nice to see.

You misspelled it. Let me fix it for you…“He rapes children and forced them to get dressed in front of him”, which you praised as saying he was just appreciating beauty…of naked children.

Unexpected brilliant post.