Jimbo Fisher

The rumor is he is going to be fired….

Let me go on record right now.

I would hire him the moment he is fired and rid ourselves of Mario and this atrocious staff.

Let me start by saying that I am not a huge fan of CMC and I am no defender, but if Fisher could not get it done with the practically unlimited resources afforded to him by A&M, what makes you think he can make do anything at Miami with less?

PS Lance Guidry is the real deal.


You mean the same Mario and atrocious staff that kicked Jimbo’s ass (arguably with a less talented team) earlier this season???

He will end up on ESPN or some other network as a well paid analyst. I don’t see him taking another coaching job anytime soon.

No, no, no. Haven’t we had enough years where we go into a Saturday knowing that the other sideline has the coaching advantage? When’s the last time we felt we had that? Butch? We didn’t really feel that way then as we didn’t win until his final season. Dennis? Say it ain’t!

Hard pass on Jimbo. Guy was 45-25 and I can’t believe he was that good. Had the 9-1 Covid campaign in 2020 and other than that, he was a 7-5 coach. We already have one of those. We let one go before this one came in. Now they’ll pay him SEVENTY SIX MILLION DOLLARS to go away and NOT COACH A&M.

Did I just type that? What was Jimbo’s motivation to get better as a coach? So he could go on doing it? He’ll be just fine NOT doing it now. His biggest mistake? …NOT bringing Jameis Winston with him, I guess. Geez! God, I wish I had been marginal in a high profile job at some point in my life. OK, I’m done now…almost.

When we too decide to end the Mario experiment, I’m about all in on Biki’s idea. Maybe not the Shinnick dude himself, but we SO NEED a guy who just knows football and can teach it. No more flashy expensive hires to let the world know we mean business. Get me a guy who actually knows how to coach. Get me the Kansas coach or someone like that and lets start winning Saturday afternoons again. No more Herman Edwards endings to our games because we don’t know when the damn thing has been won on our side.

OK, NOW I’m done.

No, let me hand it off again!! It’ll be glorious!

You can’t make up this crap…even if you tried for a month !! A buyout north of $76 Mil…for a college football coach ?!

Yet harken to the NCAA … which warns all who would fall for their hypocricy…NIL is professionalizing college sports causing it to lose its amateur lustre.

A kid gets a free burger with all the trimmings…or discounted crab-legs at the loca supermarket… (Heh !) …or free admission to a nightclub…or anything else non-consequential …and they need to be dragged in the town-square.

Yeah…this mostly is on the idiot boosters and admins at TAMU but…Heaven above…it is obscene enough to cover everybody.

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Jimbo’s kinda washed imo.

And that team’s been running wild off the field last couple yrs. Can’t see that.

No, no, no!! The guys needs a break.

I’m all in on Mario. Yes, I know he has flaws, who doesn’t? Yes, I am aware of the GTech game, so is he don’t you think? Clock issues? I’m aware. And I also think he is as well.

NO ONE wants Mario and Miami to succeed more than Mario. As much as all of us are 'Canes fans…he actually played and lived it back in the day that most of us live in. He did not move here to fail. I see a much improved team over last year and a much better staff than last year.

As I said in another post, if we had the TVD that we had under Lashlee we would be undefeated this year. No question. Then ya’ll would be signing CMC’s praises.

He’s changing a culture that has needed to be changed, got rid of a lot of guys who weren’t part of that culture and brought in guys who are.

Mario will bring another championship to the U before his 10 years are up.

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OH MY GOD!!! :open_mouth: :skull_and_crossbones: :rage: :pray:t2: :joy:

I never thought A&M was the right place for him. Was a weird move.

Miami brings him right back to where he was successful.

Always seemed like more of an SEC type to me.

TVD would be the same if Lashlee was running the O. TVDs issues are in part caused by Dawson/Mario. Sure he is late on throws but why is he throwing to smurfs in the red zone?

TVD has zero INTs throwing to Young. Not one!
TVD has 5 throwing to George.
TVD has 4 throwing to X
TVD has 3 throwing to BS

Zero for Horton, too.

Remove the redzone INTs & Miami is likely 8-2. Heck, there is a good chance we are 9-1 or 10-0. Let’s not forget 3 of his INTs are the last play of the game in a near no one position.

Now compound that with how we only run out of bunched sets(10% or less passing out of bunch sets), always have our TE and RB max protect in 11 personnel giving us 3 on 7-8.

In short, Dawson and Mario want an elite QB to fix the problem when they could fix it themselves. Personnel choices in the redzone, pass more out of 12 personnel bunched sets, use the TE and RB to run routes vs max protect…

When the hell has A&M been competitive in the SEC? It was a bad choice for him to go there.

I mean they’re definitely competitive…But if you mean competing for a ship I hear ya.

He’s just got that southern boy vibe to me…Was LSU OC before FSU.

It just seems like he is losing touch with some things and like I said…His players have been running wild off the field. HE’s only 58 but it just seems like typical “old coach syndrome” is coming on fast.

They could have stayed with Sumlin and gotten the same results for far less money. I always love when fans say, “well, that coach got paid, he’s got to get results or he’s gonna hear about it from the boosters/fans, etc.”

Well, so what? The boosters lost leverage when the agreed to put all that money into the coach’s hands. Now the coach has them by the balls until the very end. If he’s not getting it done, he gets paid to go away and doesn’t have to “coach” them any more. If he does turn it around, you’ll end up having to pay him even more to keep him. (that was never going to be an option here as Jimbo’s overrated)

So throwing out that Jimbo/Mario money at the start is really quite stupid. Reeks of desperation from the school who hasn’t won in ages and wants to secure the candidate and in the end, you end up out a ton of dough for ordinary results. We’ll have to live through this as well.