Jim Harbaugh

Supposedly off to the NFL now. We’ll see.

He was hired at Michigan in December, 2014.

It took him 9 years to win a NC.

A lot of Michigan fans wanted him fired some years back. He couldn’t beat OSU, MSU, etc.

Same type of people want Cristobal fired after only two years.

It takes normally takes years to turn a program around. It depends what the previous coaches left you. Diaz and Richt didn’t leave much. Richt had success with AG’s players. The ten best teams in the country have the most talented rosters.

Mario started with pretty much nothing; at best, a mid-level to lower third ACC team.

Given the recent recruiting classes, it is only a matter of time before UM is consistently Top 10 again. The stars have to line up for any team to win a NC now.

This was never going to happen overnight.


Mario will get Miami to the playoffs and possibly win a title. You win games up front and the canes have recruited the lines to an elite level. Dabo and JH took time. Once the qb position is fixed Miami will officially be back

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Such a stupid comment.

Harbaugh had already won a Super Bowl as a player, a MNC at Stanford and got to the Super Bowl where he lost to his brother in 2013.

Now show me Mario’s credentials. I’ll wait.

Mario won two pac 12 titles and won a rose bowl. He also took fiu to their first bowl game ever after taking over a program that was one of the worst ever in college football.

When did Harbaugh win a Super Bowl as a player?

Harbaugh’s best year at Stanford, they finished 4th in the final polls. He never won a NC there.

Until 2020, many Michigan fans wanted Harbaugh fired.

I was at his first start at Michigan in 1984. He made no impression on me at all. What did make an impression was Kosar’s 6 interceptions and what a terrible coaching job JJ did that game losing to a much less talented Michigan team, 22-14. Miami kept trying to throw long passes even though Michigan was taking deep drops and clogging the passing lanes. Everything underneath was wide open. Truly stupid coaching job and I wanted JJ fired along with pretty much every other Miami fan. It got even worse with the blown Maryland and BC games at the end of the season. He took a NC team down to a 8-5 level.

JJ kind of sucked until he didn’t. Things take time.

This is laughable, not the OP but some of the comments asking for Mario’s credentials. 'Canes fans want to live 20 plus years ago when it was all about us and now it’s not. Get used to it. Mario is the best fit for the job at this point. Yes, some bonehead coaching calls, a few bad hires, but give it some time. Year 3 is now underway and let’s see where we are next year at this time.

All we need to do is win our games (duh), win the ACC or at the very least be one of the top 10-12 teams next year and we get into the playoffs then it’s a new season.

Yea- I think I may have had a stroke when typing this that night because I confused Harbaugh for Jim McMahon lol.

Still think Harbaugh is a far superior coach having success at both college at 2 major programs and in the NFL. And when he goes back to the NFL he’s going to win again. Those Harbaugh can coach whether you like them or not. Mario hasn’t really done shit yet in my opinion. And he’s proven to be a terrible game day coach.

You continue to miss my rather obvious point. I give up.