Jahmile Addae to coach db

Damn good hire away from GA here. Although he and Smart reported butted heads this season, so most knew he was on his way out.

Has been part of some very good defenses in his young career. And is a big-time recruiter.

Was part of very good Minny, and WVU secondaries before Georgia. Has special teams experience as well. No idea if this will be in tandem with DVD staying as CB coach or if it’s just going to be Addae. I’d like to see DVD kept.

Originally from Tampa area…WVU alum. 247 national guys have commented that he was a definite finalist for their National Recruiter of the Year award.

I’m telling ya I really think we are headed for a top 5 class….maybe even higher.

Ya I can’t see this not being a blockbuster class this year. Fingers crossed.

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I don’t see any reason Miami can’t stack Top 10 classes every year for the foreseeable future.

Cristobal is already looking better than the last five coaches.

I just hope he doesn’t hire his teenage son to coach QB’s.

Now all Miami has to do is win some games.

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