Is this Dorsey losing his mind?

Saw it on Nick Wright’s twitter.

Not a 'Canes weekend!

Bills dominated in time, yards, plays but were -1 on turnovers and lost and he lost his mind at the end I assume.

Saw it live. I get it, but not the best look

You watch the game and you wonder how Buffalo lost it? Miami was down a few players, the Bills were down a ton of players and still moved the ball almost at will. Dolphins had some timely stops. Bills had yards 497-212 and first downs 31-15 in their favor. It was basically the Bills “Penn State” game if ya know what I mean. I guess I don’t blame Dorsey at the end because it’s just frustrating to not close it out and get the win.

If the WR gets out of bounds or just slides, bills get a FG chance. Instead, the WR keeps running east west.

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