Interesting, but wrong.
First, they were the Belovzha Accords, not the Belovsky Accords.
Here is the text of the Accords
There is zero, I repeat - zero, about defaulting or anything of the like and going back to Russian control. It’s not in there, nothing resembling it to be interpreted. Just nada. There was zero mechanism for Russia to take control of any of said countries contained within the Accords. Go ahead and read it. Ironically, Russia defaulted on its debts in 1993.
Secondly, at no point was Crimea an independent country. He repeats this several times. It’s incorrect.
Third, it said Crimea’s leadership just up and left one day. In reality, Russia took over Crimea on Feb 27, 2014 and armed militants paid by Russians (later confirmed to be Russian special forces) seized Crimea’s parliment and key goverment buildings and the parliment under duress of guns in their faces, forced out Maohyliov and installed pro-Russian Aksyonov. Them they were forced out, arrested or fled.
Your boy is a moron. Like you, however, he thinks very highly of himself…being a paramedic and working at a car wash in Michigan.
He even gives life advice as a Life Coach. You should schedule a session
He has a whole Youtube channel of “advice” with his 55 subscribers.
You could have just looked this shit up to check if he was right, but you didn’t…because you don’t actually care if its right, just if it fits your surrender narrative to Putin.
Instead, you blindly followed Jonah Hill’s sloppier cousin