Imagine Being Duped by this

Willy great job exposing these frauds

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They are all delusional, and bought into the ignorant, sociopathic, narcissistic con man. They are in too deep, to fall on their own swords at this point.

Iā€™d say the more dangerous thing, is people following their false prophet ā€œthe Orange oneā€

You are a special kind of stupid arenā€™t you?

Iā€™ve said repeatedly that I believe Trump will exit.

Iā€™ve said repeatedly that I believe a huge declass is coming to entangle the new administration, multiple members of congress, the media and big tech.

Maybe you should get your eyes checked before making false claims and grouping everyone together.

If you have finally figured out the danger this leader represents, then yes, youā€™ve figured it out. The majority in this storm forum are cult followers of trump and his enablers, and they bring their nut conspiracy garbage with.

Willyburz, the most surprising thing about liberals is their belief they operate on a higher moral plane,than others, and their road to Zion is the correct and only road. As Iā€™ve pointed out before, liberals are the fascist among us. Conservatives donā€™t favor canceling others, beating their adversaries with skateboards, burning down Minneapolis, and censoring others. We the conservatives are the liberals in a classical sense.You favor fascism, and you have the unwitting gall to be smug about it.

Yea - as usual you delude yourself

No danger from your side huh you brainwashed borderline ratard

Bikki, if people speak 100% nonsense with no touch in reality, then they are the problem. The crazy train in this forum is so deep behind Trump, that they canā€™t turn away. So you get stuff that youā€™re seeing unfold here where the conversation is magically changed, to fit whatever feeling you have against someone whoā€™s not a Trump supporter.

I donā€™t agree with many of the Republicans or Democrats angles on a mix if issues. It doesnā€™t make me a socialist, or whatever nonsense is spouted in here. I personally understand that there is no way to 100% align with any Republican, Democrat, or Independent. The two just voted in, are far and above the best option compared to what is trump and his enablers represent. That doesnā€™t mean I agree with everything they will present.

Good post Willy. I was beginning to doubt your intelligence, but message boards have the capability of driving even the most sane among us over the edge. ,I can understand why some people dislike Trump, but most of the dislike is engendered by his bravado which is amplified and distorted by MSM which hates Trump more than any politician in my memory. MSM should understand that nothing has given them more to write about than Trump. The Trump populism movement is unprecedented, certainly in the recent political era. MSM has damaged Trump. Had Trump received the media adulation of Obama, Canes 51 would not have lost his mind; actually heā€™s far from a dummy, and sometimes waxes sentimentally which I find appealing though he is rather conflicted on the issue of abortion, and Trump would have achieved more deserved universal heroic stature. I think one of the mortal blows in which MSM succeeded in vilifying Trump and lessening his appeal to women voters was the pussy grabbing locker room talk. During my days of romantic dalliances, I probably may have said things worse, and hypocritically women often say such things to one another that are equally profane, such things that were they publicly exposed would be embarrassing.

In this last election, I of course enthusiastically supported Trump, and even those who find themselves on the fence such as you Willy were without a viable alternative. I have said often and enjoy writing that Biden is a corrupt and now demented fool who is apt to create havoc in our nation, especially in the areas of economic and foreign policies. Covid has exacerbated the most serious problem affecting the well being of this nation. Following the Keynesian model of printing money during times of economic stress, we face the prospect of continuing inflation as the currency declines in value by the process of dilution The entire ball of wax is held together by the issuance of bonds which require buyers many of whom are foreign nations, the largest holder of such bonds being China. Everything works right so long as the bonds have buyers. To attract buyers, the bonds must bear higher interest forcing the Feds in turn to raise rates. Even a marginal rate increase will usher in massive numbers of bankruptcies. The specter of open borders cannot but depress wages, and welfare entitlements will augment deficit spending. Biden plans to raise taxes extortionately, especially on capital gains. The private sector will be squeezed and the best outcome will just be inflation. The worst will be a depression. Undoing Trump fiscal policy and cutting regulations will have a disastrous effect on our economy. And Kamalaā€™s plans are even more radical than Bidenā€™s. A telltale indication that validates my premises is the rush into cryptic currencies which is conversion of devaluing dollars into what is perceived a safer haven. My experience with these currencies is minimal though I have invested some monies in Etherium while shifting the largest portion of my portfolio into precious metals.

I hate the direction the country is taking shifting ever greater power to a central government at the expense of individual freedom. America has made a colossal mistake allowing the Democrats to successfully swindle their way into power, and we the people will feel the consequences therein. A year from now people will be screaming for the Good Ole Trump days.