I don’t think this is going to happen

Lol…“tried to murder congresspeople”

1st off…I can give two fucks about crooked congress people…This country is being used like pawns with contrived race war and bullshit lockdown mitigation. Something was bound to happen.

2nd off Proud Boys and Boogaloo Bois are not “mine”…

And again I don’t have a “side”…Or I guess the only side I have right now is anti-radical. But since the far left SIMPLY REFUSES TO LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE…I consider them to be my enemy right now. I hadn’t heard a peep from far right assholes in a very long time. Far left is taking over the left and trying to take over the country. So that’s why I voted Trump…I’m 1000% anti-media more than anything.

The country has always been used as pawns. All societies have used common folk like pawns. The fact our system was at least designed to be based upon laws as opposed to hierarchy and created by the people, it stands as a testament to history and should be supported. If your notion is murder is okay because you don’t like them, then that would make you a remarkably bad human and negate any points you’d make thereafter.
Further, Congress didn’t lockdown the country. Not sure what race war you’re talking about, but it does lend to the hunch I had that when we break it all down, your only real driving force is being a racist.
What exactly is far left? What points are they trying to make? What policies dictate “far left” in your mind? You’re being vague and simply telling me what team colors you like. What specifically?

I’ve addressed many times and if I have time will give a summary tonite…Check this message board or the old one.

I have black friends that are like family to me…And i’ve never viewed people any differently based on their color.

Right on. I’m sure as we delve deeper into discussion, we’re both much less diametric than our original standpoints.

And I’m the first to admit there are much more knowledgable on both the history of our government’s policies and on every little nook and cranny. But some of that ignorance is due to just how much gray area there is in my book and just how tolerable I am to differences in opinion on most of these topics.

The politicization of covid and continued failed lockdowns has really brought out a thin-skinned uncompromising side of me, I will admit that.

I own a company and I assure you, me too. Think about working your whole life and building something only to have a local judge shut the fucking economy down. I have mixed feelings within the thread of arguments about the subject for sure, but I’m human…if affects my company I built directly.

I don’t want to nationalize the press.

I want to temporarily nationalize them in order to wipe the infiltration and reset them.

Antifa belies its own name. It should be investigated as a violent hate group conspiring to overthrow the government.

Proud Boys are not Marxists, support the Constitution, and oppose Antifa terrorists. Proud Boy are a multi-racial group whose leader is a person of color.
Warden, since you don’t believe in capitalism, why should you be concerned with your PRIVATE company? You write of people being pawns. You should then be happy liberating yourself of being a capitalist overlord. It seems you believe its the responsibility of government to take care of you.

Trump has been a great president, the best in my life time. He has a marvelous record of achievement. He has earned the respect of tens of millions of people. He’s not an attorney. He vigorously advocates patriotic nationalism. To say he is a racist is a blatant lie. He donated all of his presidential salary to charity. He was cheated out of a second term. We now have a demented fool moving into the White House.

HAHAHA!!! Priceless.
You literally are arguing for authoritarian socialism. It’s a 100% lock with these conservatives…100% of the time, what they are screaming fears about they actually are.

Yet, antifa has never tried to overthrow the government, whereas Trumpkins literally have.
Proud Boys do not support the Constitution, hence their arrests time and time again and participating in the attempted overthrow of said Constitution just a week or two ago.
The Proud Boys leader is a 2 time federal felon with a long history of fraud who lives with his momma.
It’s clear that literally everything you wrote is a flat out and you have, as always with these cases, less than zero integrity. Trash is trash.

“I don’t want to nationalize the press…I want to temporarily national the press.” HAHAHAHA!!! Again, you’re fucking adorable!

Absolutely not. I’m arguing for using drastic measures that are constitutional for an extremely limited amount of time to correct a very specific issue.

The Alphabet agencies are run amok. They are beholden to no one because they’ve developed “off the books” black ops programs that Congress has no oversight over.

One of those programs was operation mockingbird. A program that completely infiltrated and subverted the American press.

The only way to undo what they did would be to literally seize the institutions and start hurting them from the inside. Then replace the leadership with individuals who aren’t government assets. Let them operate as they normally would with out the CIA calling the shots.

You can call nationalization of the press “Constitutional” all you want, but it won’t make it so. You’ve shown clearly that you’re little more than a hypocrite and overwhelmingly clueless. Zero integrity. Zero brains. Zero backbone. Zero principles. Again, trash is trash and you’re just not worth the toilet paper that wipes you
The irony, which there is always plentiful with you, is that Mockingbird was created by conservatives. Conservative media has been shown to receive direct talking points from the administrations (when conservatives). Trump attacked the press because they could hold him accountable, of which he attacked everything that would hold him accountable right from the very beginning. The willful ignorance and lack of character you regularly show is so shameful. You’re bloodline must be disgusted with you. What a wasted life you’ve led

But yet you’re here. Reading my posts. Becoming emotional over them. Wishing me and MAGA would die.


Might be more than just daddy issues. Might be full blown psychosis. Time will tell.

You’re projecting. There is very little you could do in order to get me emotional. I’m just bored and entertained. Reading people like you allow for one to regularly reminded of whom we are actually dealing with and their lack of principles, morality, etc.

No no- using you’re own words. The ones where you are literally calling for the deaths of your fellow human beings whom you disagree with politically.

That’s not projection. That’s observation.

No, that’s a flat out lie. I welcome lessening covid restrictions because more of you die than people like me. But, that’s not calling for the deaths of anyone. As we’ve seen with most of what you post, reading comprehension isn’t your niche’

anti fascist=antifa. a loose band of thoughts according to homeland and cia and fbi. Keep going hitler boys its funny

Lol Casidy…You’ve been laughed at on this board for a decade. You’re a fucking idiot.

Loose band of thoughts attempt to burn an occupied courthouse in Portland you lifelong uninformed piece of shit?

Imagine defending antifa?

Lol… Antifa is literally the brown shirts OF the Fascists… they use intimidation techniques to instill fear, quell debate, and cause chaos to further their masters’ agenda.