"I didn't win the election"

Glad you’re feeling better, man. Rough go of it lately.

Funny how that happens



Bikki, I just have a standard that someone I vote for must live up to. I don’t like trump and it has nothing to do with politics. He is a bad guy. Morally and ethically I think the guy will cross any line to get an advantage. I get it….but I am not willing to cross it. If desantis goes against Biden….there is a very good chance I vote for him. I do think desantis needs to tone it down. He does not have to act like an ass. That being said I don’t believe desantis will cross those same lines trump has.






No moron…The question is do YOU realize it’s old.

You’re a good guy huh?

And so is Biden, Clinton, Pelosi, right? Their morals are just flawless right?

Act like an ass? So if a person is a fucking ass but “tones it down” on camera…That is what really matters? Just trying to keep this straight. How can someone be this fucking lost?

In my mind, Trump deserves to be president since I believe he was swindled out of the 2020 contest, and his performance as president was excellent, particularly with regard to foreign policy, an area in which Obama was a complete failure. While I prefer Trump to DeSantis, I think DeSantis has a better chance of being elected. For the amount of adversity faced by Trump, I think it is amazing how this man weathered the unparalleled multiplicity of lies and dirty dealings visited upon him by his detractors. I think Trump and Putin, certainly not Obama, are the two most salient politicians of the past century.

I presume Elite80 has a family similar to mine. My family’s origin is rooted in a New Jersey Jewish agrarian group known as the Alliance Colony in the town of Norma. Almost all of my relatives are perennial Democrats save for me and my billionaire cousin; we are the family pariah. Unfortunately, for reasons I’ve never been able to discern, Northeastern Jews support Democrats. Conversely, Southern Jews are often Republicans. This is true in Pensacola with exception of a large cadre of lawyers whom I find disgustingly liberal. Usually, I find myself chuckling reading Elite80’s posts, and I ponder why he seems furious with Trump and forgiving of Biden,the worst, likely most corrupt president in history. Are things better under Biden, Elite80, than under Trump? Apparently you and most of my family think so.

Knowing life has a dreaded ending, I think it’s natural to block the foreboding mental specter of mortality in one’s mind and live one’s life as if you were immortal. Lately, my blocking capability is being eroded since I believe my dermatologist in sublime Mengelean fashion has been skinning me alive. I now look like Zipperman, I have a dozen six inch scars on my back, shoulders, and chest from treatment for melanoma. When I go fishing now, I could be mistaken for Kharsis of mummy movie fame such is my sun-protecting attire. I suppose I am now paying the price of my youthful sun worshiping days on Fort Lauderdale Beach in front of the Elbow Room. My ninth decade extant begins in July, and regrettably I worry about my mortality and find myself qvetching about aches and pains with other old guys whom I formally believed were old farts; I didn’t consider myself one of them, but brutal reality has altered my perception. I suppose this is what quack humanistic psychologists would call “self actualization.”

Could be because the people you support would prefer to burn you in an oven. You’re the most white nationalist Jewish guy I’ve ever seen. You have a fondness for the utmost level of immorality. I’d be a little worried turning 90, as well. But, you haven’t bailed on it yet, instead doubling down. So…such is life…or whatever is left of it. At least you get to fish, right?

Warden, I will be entering my 9th decade and will turn 80 in July. I am a huge proponent of Israel, and all of my Russian friends are secular Jews, most of them physicians and former members of the Communist Party. They were rather imperfect socialists and all had involvement in capitalistic ventures both in Russia the U.S., and in Brazil. Their children are more often than not American college-educated, and some have remained in the U.S. and obtained citizenship.

Israeli Jews are entirely different than their American counterparts since many of them have families subjected to both pogroms and socialist, one party tyranny. Otherwise Bibi could never have been elected. If Israel is destroyed as a nation it will be at the hands of miserable liberals. In the entire history of Israel as a nation, it has killed fewer Arabs than Palestinians or Syrians killed in a single day of carnage. Calling it an apartheid nation is libelous inasmuch as Israel Arabs have more individual rights than any Arabs in the Middle East. Palestinians on the other hand want to create a judenrein nation and cannot forgive Israel from owing one tenth of one percent of the land in the Middle East. Further Arabs delude themselves about their failure as a civilization always explaining their ethical shortcomings on Jews which vex their success and whom they wish to exterminate. Israel is the most educated and civilized nation in the Middle East, and Arabs are fools not to befriend Israel and take advantage of the people who transformed their nation as no other in the region. Arafat himself was an Egyptian who stole four billion dollars from monies donated by the West to the most eternal of all world refugees. Arafat’s Arabic was conspicuously different in dialect from Palestinian speech, so much so he rarely addressed the people through mass media. Arafat once planned to emigrate from Egypt to Canada. Lucky for the Canadians, he didn’t. As for a Palestinian state, one already exists known as Jordan which is 80 percent comprised of Palestinians ruled over by a 20 per cent Hashemite Arab minority.

Fishing in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta requires one to be adept using a trolling motor. As a fly fisherman, undergrowth precludes much back casting,so your rely heavily with roll casting with floating fly line. I find it harder now operating the trolling motor with my foot while fishing with my hands. The current in some places makes it difficult to keep the boat where you want it. My plan is to get a younger fishing partner to operate the front of the vessel while I sit in the back and not worry about operating the trolling motor.

So…to be concise…you’re response to being so supporting of white nationalists who want to burn you in an oven, is a response that you’re supportive of The State of Israel, Israeli Jews as opposed to their American counterparts, and then some basic level bullshit typical of your approach…show your singular approach is racism, smear the head, claim he’s not “one of”, throw in a conspiracy theory or two…

The fact is, Arabs and Jews share the same DNA. More than 70% of Jewish men and half of Arab men share the same paternal ancestor. Ashkenazi Jews DNA is nearly half European due to the 1st century diaspora. Israelites, historically, referred to the people of the region, not just the religion. Until the 20th century, very little friction occurred between the Jews and the Muslims of the region. Christians, of course, used the Crusades to allege protecting of Jews from Muslims, but attacked both in practice and only wanted to secure the region. So, it appears the construct to which you are referring only relates to the last century and is in fact, not of historical significance.
Most of the immigration into Palestine was from 1882-1920 from Russia and eastern European countries due to various pogroms spurned on by Russians. As you probably are aware, the United States limited immigration of Jews early in the 20th century and carried on until Truman opened the valve and changed the immigration quota system. In fact, the US had no quota system of immigration until the Jewish diaspora out of Russia and Eastern Europe. We limited it to only 16,000 right before and immediately after the Holocaust. After that 400,000 Jews fled to the United States, many of which having survived the Holocaust. Even when they attempted to flee into Palestine, the British Empire (even after WWII) put them into camps in Cyprus.

So, that makes much more sense relating to what you said…your friends came from what would evolve into a Communist regime in Russia and Eastern Europe, and this hold the specter of Communism. While, more American Jews came from Germany and the like after WWII and fear right wing fascism…you know, what killed 6 million of them in just few years.

But, it doesn’t change your response. When confronted with the clear understanding that you align yourself with right wing fascists who would prefer to put you into an oven, you didn’t dispute that. Instead, you championed your favor for the State of Israel, not Jewish people. The people don’t appear to be a concern for you at all, but your political ideology and racism toward Arabs as the key factor. The fact is the Jewish part of you is damn near the same blood as the Arabs you can’t stand. It’s the Ashkenazi European part you appear to only value. Of course, you had to throw in some racism, conspiracy deflection, of course.

It’s a shame you’re wandering into your final years without a shred of concern for things like honesty, integrity, empathy…but, instead are doubling down on the most pervasive and defining characteristic of your latter years: fondness for right wing fascism and a belief window that only sees the world through your racism.

Oh well, to each his own.

Notice how you ignore that Trump, himself, admitted he wasn’t President?

Also, how exactly is Obama a criminal as proving in courts? What courts? What documents? Where are the charges? I can send you a list of Trump charges…bc, he’s been charged and will be charged with even more.