How do USC and Clemson

Get disrespected like this?

Both 1 loss and 2 loss LSU and Bama go ahead of them (LSU ahead of USC, and Bama ahead of Clemson).

College football needs a more objective ranking system.

Because the SEC always gets the benefit of the doubt.

Ridiculous - I agree.

I don’t think it matters that much in the grand scheme of things. None of those teams are making the playoff, so it’s just for bowl positioning.

I do agree that SEC gets the benefit of the doubt.

But, let me ask you this: would you bet on USC or Clemson straight up if they were playing Bama or LSU on a neutral field?

I wouldn’t. LSU and Bama would be favored right now over both teams. USC has no defense and hasn’t played anyone. Clemson got boatraced by ND and barely escaped against Wake and Syracuse. Their body of work isn’t that impressive.

Clemson has taken some major steps back.

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I think this is the worst Bama team in 15 years. I can see them losing on any given night.

There’s nothing inherently stronger or greater about Bama.

If I’m a college head coach or AD, I’d almost want to dismantle conferences at this point because they are so powerful psychologically that it determines your path instead of your execution.

I don’t disagree about this being the worst Bama team in a long time.

But the problem is that this isn’t a traditionally solid Clemson team either. And the PAC 12 and ACC don’t have the historical record to stand on when it comes to getting the benefit of the doubt. Outside of Clemson, the ACC has been pretty bad for a long time.

I used to get more upset about the SEC bias. But they are by far the best conference and they get the benefit of the doubt until someone else proves they belong.

At the end of the day, it’s obvious that the SEC plays the best football top to bottom.

Who else should get the benefit of the doubt though?

If we go by history in bowls/non-conference play…They win there. Sure, every now and then they have a bad bowl year, especially if you catch them disinterested. If we go by who has the most NFLers…they win there. Etc, etc.

It’s the toughest conference. Some years by a close margin with one or two others, some years by a wide margin.

I agree with all of this.

The SEC is the best. No need for GSC to get too bent out of shape because a two loss team that would be favored head to head is ranked above a one loss ACC team and a one loss PAC 12 team.

There shouldn’t be a “benefit of the doubt”

It should come down to wins and losses.

Strength of schedule and margin of victory should factor in when there is a one game discrepancy between two teams.

It’s not like they are 2-3 losses apart.

OK but what are we supposed to do play 130 games?

No but if your USC and your only loss is to a ranked Utah team, on the road at the last moment and LSU who lost to #8 Tennessee and unranked FSU at home, there’s something wrong with this equation And Tennessee shredded them).

I can live with Bama getting a bit of preference because they lost to the #1 and 10 programs both on the road and both competitive games.

This is a fair point. I certainly wouldn’t argue if USC was ahead of them.

But the pac 12 has years and years and years and years of trash, soft football to shake off…This is their best year in a while.

If LSU remains ranked above USC it’s a complete joke.