Hmmm....the plot thickens

I was just about to post this same story. I wasn’t going to use CNN though because they are not received well on this board.

Honestly, though - unless is says the words they want, what is? GSC disputes the Dictionary. GSC would like about the color of the sky while you’re both outside looking at it, Skeeter just says FUCK YOU CUNT and hasn’t read an article not related to Covid in 3 years I don’t think. Indiana repeats what they send him daily as long as he has batteries in and they’re charged.

You could post literally any source known to man and it would get attacked if it didn’t say what they wanted it to say.

Lol…If you are still tuning into CNN you got problems man.

Honestly, though - unless is says the words they want, what is?

Not you though, huh Vox?

, Skeeter just says FUCK YOU CUNT and hasn’t read an article not related to Covid in 3 years I don’t think

Haven’t read a covid article in quite some time. Maybe not in 2022…But your side was definitely pushing for children in mask well beyond then…Sick fucks

I don’t watch CNN. However if a story is true, it’s true no matter who presents it.

I concur…Which is why CNN should never be paid attention to. They are incapable of truth

If I was skeeter I would say:


Here goes this moralizing sanctimonious cunt again.

Your side is all angels, huh? HUH?

Good thing I’m not skeeter.

Call em like I see em

Only by the clowns