I would have no problem whatsoever acceding to the items on your list with exception to age restrictions. Term limits would disrupt perennial occupancy.
It would do a world of good preventing cronyism. Insider trading is rampant in today’s markets. Officials would be freed up to govern rather than to worry constantly about reelection. It would be hard to stop lobbying in that it would be difficult in many cases to differentiate between lobbying and consulting.
We have members suffering from dementia, wandering the streets and getting paid for 6 months while in a full care nursing home, Senators literally breaking while live on cam and not able to speak due to their age, etc. There is no reason for dinosaurs to be in Congress. I know you Boomers won’t even let go of a toothpick from 1957, but you simply don’t belong anymore.
Not surprised of your favor for lobbying.
Anything you propose into law has a yin and a yang. There are no silver bullets.
single bill voting
Seems like a win. I like the premise and the desired outcome, but how slow and inefficient would that make the Congress? I think we’d have 2-3 laws passed per year with this mandate.
Why not instead, we pass a law that requires each separate spending measure in each bill to be itemized and summarized in a particular area of the bill so that it’s easy to find and analyze?
Term limits
Will it help expunge some of the corrupt curmudgeons? Yes. But what about those that are doing an excellent job that should remain? Isn’t there a down side that this?
Doesn’t it also just speed up the corruption? Now I have to get it all done in 6 years as opposed to 20 right?
Why not just legislate more transparency? No closed hearings, all meetings with lobbyists and corporate leaders must be disclosed and on the record, and assign penalties for not following these laws to be arbitrated by a non Federal government entity for oversight? Perhaps each state can provide oversight for each of their respective members?
Criminalize Lobbying
As much as lobbying has become a sin, it’s an effective tool for good legislation when done properly. I’m all for restricting politicians to go into lobbying after serving their terms (or setting large time limits like 10 years)….
But there’s also a down side to this. Legislators know how the system runs and how to get things done.
Again- why not just mandate transparency in lobbying? All meetings on the record. If it’s discovered anything is off the record, penalties?
Sunlight is the best disinfectant in my opinion.
Doesn’t the OMB and CBO already do this and the GOP regularly tell them essentially, “nuh-uh”?
If you’re not going to consider the #s, why do it in the first place?
Maybe, but its simply an assumption. Another assumption is it won’t, and 6 years for Senators as opposed to the 2 years for the House.
Why do you assume I’m ok with everything Trump or R’s do?
Are you ok with everything D’s do?
Good point.
Not even a little bit. To be candid, I can’t stand the DNC, Pelosi and the like as much as just about anyone.
Not so much the R’s, but with Trump, you defend him at every term and turn.
No president spent more money hiding his past than the Kenyan. I think Trump is justified under national security concerns in keeping visitor logs secret. Trump likes to keep his strategies secret until he decides to reveal them. Trump deserves a measure of privacy.
Unless you can provide incontrovertible evidence that former President Obama was born on foreign soil and was not a natural born citizen, I highly suggest you stop with the ignorant commentary that states otherwise. Then again, you support Trump, a man that lies for a living. You love the untrue. So be it.
All the Western World is going MAGA: Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Austria, France, Hungary, and even the UK. Trump is the most famous human on the face of the earth. His victory follows what was tantamount to the Kenyan’s third term in office, which in case you haven’t noticed, was so failed that it swept Trump into office by a resounding victory.
Then please explain why the #1 Google Search after Election Day was “How can I change my vote?”. Once these 4 years are up, assuming he lives out his term, it will be such a great relief to never see this man in office ever again.
His side are all great tellers and defenders of truth huh ^^^
Imagine being this fucking stupid.
I still believe Obama was born in Kenya, and the one court case arising from this controversy was suppressed by dint of “standing,” in spite of considerable evidence that Obama was born in Kenya. Obama’s grandmother never departed from her first hand observation of his birth. Kenyans largely believe Obama to be a native son, as do I.
So was he born in Kenya or India? Make up your mind which lie you are going to ride with.
why do you get to determine if it’s a like, you partisan cunt
Obama is a Kenyan. That I wrote “India” was an error.
Well they certainly both couldn’t have been true.
Can you provide incontrovertible evidence to support this claim that would be considered air tight? Or is this a faith claim?