Have I ever said this before?

The right is trying to ban speech too. Please see my post about the proposed KY law and stop being hypocritical.

As for your first line above - again - while it can be true - you should not assume it with zero evidence (which you did).

Right wingers have a voluminous history of censorship and attempting to ban speech. Get real.
We spent decades with you folks banning books, banning tv shows, banning music…and now you spend all your time playing victim while trying to cancel anything that even slightly disagrees with you, hence your fake war on Christmas, Keurig, Yeti, and a myriad of others your side tries to cancel. Cancel culture my ass!
Nothing but hypocrisy on your end, fella

I swear - if a guy who looked just like Tucker Carlson - dumb bow tie and all - shot up a store Bikki wouldn’t say a word.

But if that guy - who looked just like Tucker Carlson did the same thing - except his name was something like Mahmoud al Shabaad or whatever, without any evidence - @bikki228 would immediately scream Muslim terrorist.

Ah, Tucker…who is the heir to the Swanson fortune and grew up in 3 different castles, on record talking about how he lies to placate the plebeians to they don’t rise up, used the court defense of nobody can consider what he says to be true…and they still listen to him.

He :roll_eyes: doesn’t like that he now realizes we are champions of free speech. :joy::joy:

Coming from the guy who supports cops arresting you for just talking to them in a condescending way.

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Where did I ever say that? My god you just make shit up?

I am a 4th amendment guy. I am a right to remain silent guy.

Should you respect law enforcement? Yes.

Should you be able to, under law, say whatever you want to them without fear of reprisal? 100%

Stop slandering me.

Coming from the guy who wants to nationalize the media…

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You guys hate context.

I never said “nationalize the media” FULL STOP.

I said that Trump should have TEMPORARILY exercised some control over the media (whether it is nationalization or some other kind of Executive power).

Temporarily. Temporarily.

Because the media is absolutely out of control. They are the Trillion dollar marketing department of the Democratic Party.

Coming from the guy who said that Trump should have TEMPORARILY exercised some control over the media (whether it is nationalization or some other kind of Executive power).

Temporarily. Temporarily.

Happy? :wink:

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Kinda like how we should ban travelers from Muslim countries “until we figure out what’s going on”

Like this - what you propose is open ended and dangerous. But you’d be fine with it…as long as Trump was in office. Biden tries that you’d (rightfully) go ape shit.

What could go wrong with allowing Muslims from unstable nations coming into the US. Haven’t they made glorious citizens of the EU?

What you guys should really be writing is that bikki nailed this one early. It WAS Islamic terrorism as I sensed it… I attribute my prescience in recognizing terrorism to being a person with a highly developed sense of self-preservation. You won’t find me singing kumbayah with the troglodytes. Speaking of trogs, I wonder what Dj looks like and what the census number is of his tattoos. I wonder whether I am alone in not violating the body temple. Let me know if I would perceive you as a trog. I already have Dj in the trog category, and I surmise Warden might be well into trogdom, and I presume he much enjoys twerking. I think 51 might easily be thought of as a Christian college alumnus with latent troglodyte impulses. Being the apotheosis of tolerance, I still think I’d love you guys even if I should find you aesthetically revolting. There was no more homely man than my dear Obelee Jackson whose face is one of the most cherished among my memories.

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I don’t see this. Show me a link to prove it and I’ll believe you.

But even if it was - you prejudged him immediately. You’re bound to fuck up - a lot - when doing this.

Body temple? What’s that? I don’t have any tattoos - and don’t plan on getting any - but what’s youre problem with this? It can’t be a religious thing. You’re godless. You’ve mentioned this countless times.

You would think this. But you’d be wrong. 2 degrees. Neither from a religious institution.

I saved you guys a lot of bother in having to wade through the various articles. Indeed he turned out to be an Islamic terrorist. You have to wait until the suppressed information is released Recall that I said the same thing about Las Vegas homicidal maniac Stephen Paddock, registered Democrat and convertee to Islam, but only revealed many months later. There was no other motive for the crime. His consort was a Muslim woman. Easy correct conclusion. I again nailed it.

Your profoundest wishes that he be a white supremacist were not realized. The biggest hoax now exhorted by the left is that White Supremacy is a problem… It’s not. Saying so is an absurdity. If you want a racial problem, you best have a look at Black criminality. To help you replace mindlessness with insight could happen were you to go to You Tube and watch some Heather MacDonald videos. By so doing, you pups will then be up to snuff with Big Dogs: GSC, Skeeter, Stormfront, and the resident Islamic terrorism expert. Being a Big Dog is something of a burden in having to edify loopy liberals about true reality.


Classic deflection.

Prove this guy was a radical Muslim. Or stop saying it.

I have to admit - you’re the ultra intelligent and articulate version of Storm. You speak well. But you don’t address any questions other than to respond in your own self interest.

Prove it. I need proof. ISIS claimed responsibility for this - but there’s zero evidence ISIS was behind this, or that he converted to Islam and did this for ISIS. You probably read this on some random website and took it for granted.

You’re not doing well in hiding your true colors, Bikki.

What a fine state of affairs. I believe ISIS on this matter not the FBI. The entire crime has been suppressed from the people As an example, see if you can find the name of the Muslim Filipino girlfriend who accompanied Paddock to the Philippines . My belief is of course a theory, but I believe that sooner or later the real truth will surface.

I’m done believing anything you say.

Warden was right.

You believe the leftist orthodoxy on just about everything. You need to think for yourself. Study the evidence and raise a hypothesis, weigh the evidence, and form an opinion. What I espouse is individualism, not parrot-like conformity to liberal malarkey Look at MSM, every statement almost word for word parrots the same narrative. There is no critical thinking. You have every right not to agree with me, assess me harshly, and accept a demented, crooked senator elected by and through election fraud. The evidence BTW is there to prove the fraud, but the judiciary has to buck up rather than dodging through procedural faults the furtherance of justice. The victories in exposing the fraud will come, but they’ll come incrementally. Eventually trial cases will reach the appellate level, and it only takes one to gain cert and proceed to trial, and the truth will unfold.