
….by signing a law making lynching a federal hate crime? LOL.

Who cares…Clear reference = Clear racist. At least this is what I was told.

What’s he going to do next…Re-ban slavery?

Who cares? You’re the one who brought up Biden.

Stop, Skaren. You’re getting your racist ass handed to you.

Here’s the part where Mitch green tells me I’m getting my ass handed to me…With half his skull hanging out of his face

You’re the one who told me referencing something makes you a racist

And here comes the part where the idiot getting his ass handed to him gets so upset he feels compelled to create 3 other threads on the same topic because he’s a Nancy.

To to mention his responses following saying 3…2…1….


I get upset when anyone calls me a racist

Let alone a worthless little bratty cunt like you

I have black friends that are like family to me…I’ll be damned if I let a cunt motherfucker call me a racist to make them feel like part of the cool, progressive crowd

You racist cunt.

Then don’t make lynching references. Don’t support a former president who makes racist comments. Don’t make fun of a president who signs a bill into law making lynching a federal hate crime.

You’re looking on the outside. Look in the mirror.

I’ll make a lynching reference if I damn well fucking please…because…drum roll…IT DOESN’T MAKE ME A RACIST YOU TWAT

Don’t support a former president who makes racist comments

Lol…like what? You pathetic fucking orangemanbadders are so obsessed…How do you believe this shit? Nah you never mention Trump anymore huh?

Don’t make fun of a president who signs a bill into law making lynching a federal hate crime.

I will if it’s pathetic pandering and pointless…What the fuck is a matter with you you fucking twat?

There are no racists within this forum. There are a few schmucks but no racists. Actually, some of you are quite inquisitive yet your minds are cluttered with Marxist orthodoxy preventing your being able to weigh fairly a premise.

Nah, you can’t be blinded by ideology, have pure hatred in your heart all the time, and intentionally lie with every sentence and be considered smart.

It might not make you racist, but it certainly leaves open that possibility.

Ok. Now give me an example of when Trump did something similar that you didn’t like.

Here comes the deflection.

Lol…Now I’m just open to being a racist…You’re a just dull race baiter…

Ok. Now give me an example of when Trump did something similar that you didn’t like.

You give me an example, and I’ll tell you if I agree with you, because I can’t think of many? I guess you can say reaching out to Ice Cube down the election stretch can be classified as such, maybe I’ll give you that one…but Cube was quite vocal that hey at least it was a starting point and he wasn’t getting anything from the other side. I didn’t follow Trumps every move in the early years of his presidency, but I’d probably laugh at it too. But I will say that when I saw examples in media during the trump presidency tying to pin him as a racist, it was pure comedy…Then they’d refer to some bullshit during the 80s at his hotels, yada yada…Pure desperation from horrible, race-baiting, desperate people…Toughen up.

It’s just like I saw Trump’s name some how become synonymous with police killings all of a sudden? WTF was that…The numbers were actually down slightly from Obama years (not attributing that to Trump in any way, it’s random variance)…BUT WTF did Trump have to do with police brutality? That’s comedy.

I’m over it, I can’t do the fake racism police in this country. I have let multiple black friends in my life know this because I’m not a hypocrite. Fake racism police are the lowest of the low, and one of the main 2-3 things that pushed me away from the left.

Look they are all going to stand over their bills they sign and talk what they are doing for minorities and smile for the camera. I get it…That’s why politics isn’t for me. But if you can’t see the absurdity of this, and that there hasn’t been a lynching in this country for 40 years and are looking for reasons to call me a fucking racist when I hate racism and have never committed a racist act or thought a racist thought in my life, then it’s you, not me. I’m simply cracking a joke about Biden and the left, and yes there may be a little anger behind my joke because the more politics has forced it’s way into my life, the more I hate the Democratic Party and their flaming of race wars in America.

You can be outraged there were at one time lynchings in this country…It’s fucking disgusting. It doesn’t mean you have to walk on eggshells and not move forward.

As for other things I didn’t like about Trump (not regarding race)…I’ve listed too many to name, you can go back and do your own fact check. The man is an asshole and drives me nuts. But he was still a no-brainer vote over people running around and fucking up everyone’s lives over phony inequality wars.