Great Offense, Suck Defense

I guess Miami couldn’t have both a great offense and a great defense in the same season.
I think it is illegal or something.

As long as Miami can score 50 points a game, we’re good.

I got home this afternoon and checked the score, Miami was up by 14, 31-17 or something like that.

I checked the game cast on ESPN, just tells you about the results of plays, and was amazed at how many 3rd and 4th and longs L-ville converted. Might be a record.

The DL might be okay, but the DB’s and LB’s not so much. Must be fixed with transfers and recruits by next season. There might be too many young players that were pressed into service before they were fully ready.

And giving up a TD on a return is just so lame.

3 wins in a row against teams with a pulse but just barely.

7-0, I can’t complain but I’m glad I stopped watching the games live or I would be pissed off out of my mind.

At least we’re not FSU.

We were in control and in the lead most of this game, but the defense was still frustrating to watch.

Have to remember the defense didn’t blow that 31-17 lead…It was a 100 yard KO return TD and then a Fletcher fumble on the very next play on his own 25 or whatever

The defense is not good…I do not think it is terrible. If I see another big run play giving up off left tackle I’m going to lose my mind.


Some would say when a team is giving up 40 points a game against mediocre teams, the defense has significant problems.

Unfortunately, the problems seem to be inferior talent at DB and LB and that can’t be fixed schematically.

Tackling would help. We must have missed 25 tackles yesterday.


Even though we are 7-0, I’m glad to see that while we are enjoying this win streak, we are still aware of the issues we have. Our expectations have been tempered. It is possible that we can win every game this year, but that’s only because of the offense. We can score with the best of them. We just need the defense to play smart football.

Cam Ward is a legitimate Heisman contender. He is the main reason this team isn’t 4-3 or worse.

I just hope he can get through the season healthy. The pass protection yesterday wasn’t the best.

Martinez is a fckng bull.

And aside from the kickers themselves (who are both top notch), the special teams aren’t so hot.

We may get by with winning every regular schedule game is year. Maybe, maybe not. As for the playoffs, that’s another story. Eventually, and quite possibly early on, we run into an opponent with a strong D that will limit our scoring ability. To have a chance of winning, our D has to step up to the plate and keep our opponent’s score low. As of right now I don’t think it’s likely our D will do that. I hope they prove me wrong.

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That’s where I’m at too. It’s like they come up with play when we desperately need them. I want them to play a complete game from start to finish. We really need to take away the middle of the field.

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Miami’s defense is better than most. In today’s game, offenses are significantly better than defenses. In looking at our stats, our biggest problem is giving up long rushing plays and even worse long passing plays. This perhaps is due to being a top tier team in pressuring opposing QBs. Nevertheless, as predicted even in pre-season, pass defense is our greatest problem on the defensive side of the ball. Fortunately, our offense is extremely potent, most productive in college football. Moreover, UM is able to sustain long drives, dominating time of possession, thereby keeping the defense off the field.

Looking forward, all our remaining games are ACC games. Only four teams remain unbeaten in conference play, Clemson, Miami, SMU, and Pitt. None of the aforementioned teams are on our schedule. . Clemson and Pitt play each other. Pitt also plays SMU. Miami has the clearest path to going unbeaten. Of the remaining games, I fear Syracuse the most given they have a very productive offense. Good grief, it would be like a dagger stab were we to lose either to FSU, or blow it again against Ga Tech.

The game that has me most concerned is Duke. We absolutely can’t afford to take them lightly. I’m glad we have them at home.

Outside of georgia who must practice tackling everyone else is not very good on defense. Miami wins that game by three scores last week if not for the return for a TD followed up by a fumble. Miami had Louisville on the ropes. I think that Guidry is a very good coach but his aggressive style of defense does leave him susceptible to guys making mistakes at times. I feel like Miami is super aggressive on defense so they can get the offense more touches.

Duke is awful. Their qb can’t run and their passing game is terrible. Miami willl beat Duke by 3 scores if not more. That game maybe 55-24 type game.

Duke qb was 12-24 for 70 yards and no touchdowns.

Never in my life as a Miami Hurricanes fan would I have expected to hear those words spoken, nor see them in print.

What has the world come to?

The only reason I’m concerned about them is one reason and one reason only: Manny Diaz. If not for Manny, I would not be concerned. He has those boys believing in themselves. I think he learned a lot from his shortcomings at Miami. He was not ready for the job, and he was already behind the 8-ball because of the lack of support from the adminstration. Speaking of that, have we decided on whether or not we are going to build Kirk Herbstreit a statue? His blistering comments on Game Day are absolutely a contributing factor as to why we are where we are today. He spoke up, and then changes were made almost immediately.

A statue of Kirk would be so funny. Yes his comments have done more for the team than some of the past few coaches.