GOP "What the F did they say" s

Trump VP candidate and SD Governor lies that she “stated down Kim Jong Un.”

Lara Trump - “We’ve got lawsuits cooking in 81 states.”

The Republican Party doesn’t want any votes counted past election day.

No lightbulb on with that one

Imagine thinking there’s something wrong with this?

Wooooahhhhh…those evil motherfuckers.

The only thing more diabolically evil than this is thinking people should…should be…I can’t even say it…people…actually…forced…to show…some type…of… id…to vote? I could barely get the words out it’s so fucking disgusting.

I mean does their evil known no bounds? When will it end?!

You’re a legitimate imbecile. 154 million people voted in the last election.

Dumber than a retarded turnip

Ummm…Make it a 2-3 day affair BEFOREHAND (but have a deadline and stick to it, that’s the wild and crazy point here)… What will have have about 30-40% of votes being mail-in? Set a mail in deadline, and stick to it. Hire more counters?

Simple stuff here. The point is, you can’t have all these variables, then also give them…drumroll…No hard deadlines to stick to.

(notice this partisan cunt spazz ran and hid when I mentioned the voter id thing…Knowing damn well him and his little progressive twat girlfriend, the pants-wearer in their relationship think this somehow isn’t necessary)

Also, for the record…Skimming through this cunt’s daily orangemanbad meltdowns…Imagine sitting next to your little MSNBAC and rooting for these farce trials every day. Hell people I know that won’t vote for Trump and can’t stand the man tuned this shit out months ago, no one believes this.

Dumb cunt warden and libtard feminist twat girlfriend probably think he really raped someone (there’s no one in the world except the most diehard of progressives that believe that)

But by all means carry on with your little daily meltdowns stormy2

You’ve never had a real job. It’s pretty obvious

Voting is managed by the states, to begin with. Most GOP states want 1 day voting, no early voting.

They do. It’s election day.

Already do. They have deadlines for requesting the ballot, mailing the ballot, and every other part of the ballot. Maybe you should buy a vowel.

With what? They have a problem securing the basic amount needed to just run an election as it stands now. Why don’t you just wave a magic wand?

With each sentence, you show you know less and less about the subject, and have never, ever had a real job. You’re like a small child who wanders into the middle of a movie and asks what’s going on


…says the guy who lashes out like the little boy he is whenever anyone posts on here who’s not far right wing. In the end, you’re an incel who’s never had a real job and can’t deal with his personal problems. I am not really surprised, though. Did you really think anyone would want to start a life with a guy who’s never had a job and pays the bills with gambling? The only shot you had threw you out and cut you off from their lives. Bottom of the barrel, dude.

Oh this again huh partisan cunt…

Meanwhile the only time you shut your cunty mouth is when I ask you to name a far-right stance I support. You always go crickets there real quick.

Funny how the only “Far” anything on this board…The only extremist is you, fuck boy…it’s comedy to watch you spazz out about this shit daily.

Already do. They have deadlines for requesting the ballot, mailing the ballot, and every other part of the ballot. Maybe you should buy a vowel.

Then make the deadline earlier lol

Real rocket science here.

Did you really think anyone would want to start a life with a guy who’s never had a job and pays the bills with gambling?

Who would start a life with some little libtard cunt who calls them a racist? Grow a set you weak fucking cuck.

The only shot you had threw you out and cut you off from their lives.

And just think…All I had to do was sit in front of msnbc and scream at the TV with them!! Man what was I thinking?!

Notice the faggot still running and hiding from the voter’s id thing?

Supports whatever wack job far left bs his little commie twat girlfriend commands him to…Pathetic little cunt.