
This kid isn’t worth the trouble. Cut him loose and find a receiver in the portal.

Racing is not that big of a deal. I don’t know if he has a history of other things, but the response here should be some discipline, some teaching, and hope he builds off it.

Not a big deal…until it’s your kid that gets killed by these idiots.

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he should read up on Henry Ruggs. brain dead decision

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I’m not proud of this story but when I was 18 I was driving my cousin’s car. Kid pulls up beside me and starts revving his engine (I didn’t know him or the others in his car). We race for about a block and a half and then I chickened out. He, for some reason decides he’s going to continue for another 1,000 or so feet even though I conceded. He barrels through a red light at an intersection that was 2 very busy streets. He noticed oncoming traffic unaware that he is attempting to squeeze through and manages to actually avoid them but gets caught in a nasty fishtail, spins, and hits a pole dead on.

My cousin and I called 911 and by the time they got there it was too late. I can still hear their screams. The impact crushed the car so they weren’t able to get out. The driver was dead on impact but the others were trapped. They used the jaws of life to remove them.

I agree with Liquid. Racing is all cool until it’s a loved one that makes this kind of stupid mistake.

I’ve never raced another car from that day forward. It’s just a stupid thing to do. Too much risk. No reward.

Worth noting that he seems to be a hothead on the field. If memory serves he received some penalties for behavior which cost the team.

Fair enough an I won’t argue with you there. I just mean it’s a correctable mistake of youth.

It all depends on the kid, of course. Some people can’t be helped.

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This isn’t his first rodeo. He was suspended for 2 games last season for undisclosed reasons.
He is a good player but not good enough to put up with this kind of nonsense. Plenty of receivers in the portal. Find one that isn’t a problem child.