
It sort of looks like he will survive.

Maybe after reviewing the game film, Cristobal decided to blame the horrible offensive output on
injuries, missed assignments, extremely poor blocking, etc.

My problem with Gattis is how completely predictable and unimaginative his game plans are. The team simply can’t score any points. Miami averaged something like 20 points/game against non-cupcakes. DC’s must love playing against Gattis. It is obvious to almost everyone that Miami doesn’t have the horses to run a power football scheme … and yet. If he had gone to more of full spread, air raid style like Lashlee did, I think Miami may have won 7 or 8 games. Still bad but not as bad.

Hopefully, some other team hires Gattis away because it doesn’t look like Mario is going to pull the trigger.

That’s the problem, his offense is sooooooo fuking vanilla and safe, OR too long developing. He doesn’t need to go no huddle, but this slow trodding run the play clock down is fuking unbearable. Needs to be up tempo, and attacking.

Sadly, I doubt Tan Enos does much better next season. He wasn’t just marginally bad, he was horrifically bad. I think Miami had one good game offensively all season against a non-cupcake team and actually managed to lose to a cupcake team.

Not scoring any points has consequences. After all, this isn’t soccer.

If true, then this is a disaster of a decision by cristobal. Could cost him his job

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I agree, can not believe they are bringing him back. Is Cristobal not wanting to admit he was wrong? Doubling down for what reason?

I guess he saw how well that worked out for Al Golden

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Off-season used to be fun. Now it’s starting to be as painful as the season.