Gattis Comments about WR

Kinda a Rorschach comment…not clear if means he needs to get back to the drawing board for his passing scheme or if he’s just gonna brute force it with the WR corps and pray.

The first law of wide receiving is catching the ball. Some people catch a lot better than others. Never was it more true than with Howard Twilley, former Dolphin, who was relatively slow afoot, but ran clever routes and if the ball was catchable, Twilley would catch it. On long third downs, Twilley turned into the possession receiver. Twilley was not going to drop the ball. He didn’t have size nor speed, but he had hand like glue. Twilley was reliable.

It seems to me no team drops more passes than Miami. It may be my imagination, but for years we’ve been dropping passes.

Gattis should realize by now that the problem with TVD is holding the ball too long. In the pros, they time QBs releasing the ball with stop watches. Defenders rarely sack a QB that lives on short passes. Throw short, quick passes, and I’ll guarantee that the WRs will catch them. The problem IMO is Gattis’s.

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Yes we are getting thin…

But my goodness is Gattis laying it on thick here. Worst situation in country???

Similar to underpromise overdeliver.

He’s making it worse than it probably is to lower expectations…. And by extension, save him time.

Good take


And the hits just keep on comin’…

Tragically, he was injured while dropping a pass.

Stork has 0 chill! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I love it!

Heh Heh Heh !!!