Fwig the B1G

The basketball game at the Fiesta Bowl is over, and Michigan and Harbaugh (I hate that whole whiny fukn’ family) are out, so now I just need UGA to stomp on * and then lose to TCU in the final.

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Well, you got your wish tonight and I have NO IDEA how it even happened. Georgia looked cooked for a while but came back. Don’t think I like TCU to beat them but I’ll cheer like hell for them. No FBS team has won the national championship for the first time since Florida in 1996. The sport is due for a new team but I really think Georgia is way better than Texas Christian.


TCU has an extremely low chance to win.

I hope they do though.

For TCU to win, they need to jump on Georgia early and as they’ve done throughout the season, decisively win the turnover battle. I’d love to see TCU win the big enchilada.

Both games today were great entertainment. Ohio State showed they were worthy of the last selection in the four team group. Georgia was amazing in the 4th quarter. IMO, Kirby whose career stripes were earned on defense deserves some coaching kudos when he called two blitzes against OSU in the redzone, holding OSU to a field goal when an OSU TD would have delivered a win.

Cheering like hell for TCU

I think they have a puncher’s chance

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And not so great defense

UGA has been the best team all year, it will be a surprise if they lose to TCU.

They should have lost last night. The kick was totally makeable for a high level college kicker.
The kid just totally choked. That thing looked like I kicked it. Ray Finkle lives!!!

Even though I attended Michigan for a few semesters, I can’t stand Harbaugh so I root against them. I dislike head coaches who act like total spazzes on the sidelines, Harbaugh, Smart, et al. Screaming constantly and acting like an ass clown is why God made assistant coaches. You are the head coach, keep your composure, have some dignity and lead by example.

I wouldn’t be shocked if Harbaugh took an NFL job and left Ann Arbor.


That suckeye ending was as awesome of a way to lose…Perfection!


Yeah, there’s just something great about watching * lose a game in such a manner that their fans come out in droves talking about a “cheap shot” on # 18 Harrison and how that cost them the game after that or they’d have had a blowout win. Give me a break! They scrutinized the play, no targeting and the defender totally separated him from the ball. In the old days it’s " a job well done " but today they’re coming out of the woodwork complaining about a defensive hit that uh…cost the other team a touchdown. IS THIS NOT THE JOB OF A DEFENSE? We need more game changing plays like this allowed, not less. Watching two teams go up and down a field with defenders being defenseless as far as stopping them due to these new “rules” of football does not make for good football IMO. The fact that it cost Terry Porter’s team the win and in all likelihood the national championship is just a bonus. :grin:

Cry, Luckeyes, Cry!! What a joyous Sunday it indeed is today! LOL!!!

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They kicked the FG in 2022 and missed it in 2023. Only thing better would have been a referee winning the game because I hate the SEC and OSU.

Go TCU. #1 for TCU will eat vs UGA. If Harrison Jr didn’t get held out, OSU wins.

…and if my dad was my mom…all part of football. Get tougher players. :skull_and_crossbones:

Yes, the hypocrisy of OSU complaining about getting cheated out of a big win due to a horrible call in the waning moments of the game is not lost on me. Miami got cheated out of walk off NC victory by an official who was 20 yards away from the non-violation and threw a very late flag. Meanwhile ,the ref a few yards away didn’t even throw his flag. That was 20 years ago and I’m still kind of pissed off about it.


From the sounds of it, he wanted to go in but the staff wouldn’t let him.