Frank Gore Takes Up Boxing

After finally ending his lengthy career in football, Frank Gore has taken up boxing.

Reached for comment, the future NFL Hall of Famer said, “I’m absolutely determined to develop dementia”

LOL. I was thinking that very same thing.

Love frank gore. Guy is a beast. Unfortunately I think he’s all but guaranteed to get CTE (if he doesn’t have it already). Why keep getting hit in the head?

Didn’t he already take up boxing and get posterized?

Edit: I see, that was an exhibition bout. This is first official pro bout.

Boxing and MMA are barbaric human activities. The goal of bashing someone senseless is insane, and humans should reject these gladiator spectacles. That these sports exist is a testament to humans’ lowly evolutionary advancement.

MMA sure but boxing is surprisingly elegant and takes a lot of skill. Best gladiator sport IMO because to be good takes a lot of physical and mental skill, far beyond just brute strength.

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Judo or Kendo would be the way to go. Hell…even try Savate. The only people who truly profit from MMA and boxing are the promoters. Even when the fighters win…they lose in the long run with their brains getting scrambled.