For What Does the Democrat Party Stand?

Given the feckless administration of Obama, coupled with the Biden’s complete failure as chief executive, the Democrat Party is in shambles. Why? Because the Democrat Party has embraced one overarching compulsion, that is, hatred, hatred of Donald Trump who appears on track to winning a Nobel Peace Prize and acclaim of being the greatest president since Lincoln. The Democrat Party has made itself the Party of Hatred.

Bikki, the dem party is fine. They actually have a bunch of great young talent on the bench. Shapiro and Wes Moore are legit options. We hear this everytime a party loses. If Biden had said he was not running and they had an open primary we are probably sitting here in a different situation. Trump won but i think in 26 you will be singing a different tune. This thing is going sideways. Thing is early on Reagan had issues but he could pivot. I dont believe trump can. He would go against any instinct the guy ever had. This train wreck is off the rails and good luck thr rest of the year way.


Democrats need to fully become the party of the working class if they want to find near-term success. I don’t really have confidence in them doing that.

Then again it doesn’t much matter if the Republicans shit the bed. People usually vote on economy we’ll see how that develops.

GSC, the dem party is fine. They lost one election. You think JD Vance is the future of your party. Good luck running him next time. This same thing is said after every loss of an election. You run good people you win. You run Kamala Harris types you lose. Voters on the right are not flocking to the polls for JD.

Imagine a party whose members would not even rise for a child stricken with cancer. They’d have cheered if the plan was to cut the kid’s dick off and turn him into a girl. Undoubtedly, they comprise the Party of Hate.

Bikki, really? Both parties are guilty of this type of behavior. You cant point out one example and not bring up the many examples of the right. I did not watch trump speech because honestly anytime the guy pops up on my screen, i am not watching it. Dems should have not even shown up to the speech.

Doesn’t stop him from making 7 Trump posts a day all saying the same thing does it? (Trump tells people they want to hear, Trump is a con man, Trump voters will regret it, GSC is a religious man Trump has him fooled, etc…etc…)

“He didn’t watch it”…lol, who believes that?