Flake Olympics

Apparently, less than a week after signing his NIL, this kid is asking to be released from his NIL.

I feel sorry for the coaches that have to deal with these teenage nutjobs.

I’m guessing Steele is poaching him to Bama?

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How does this kid pronounce his name? Hopefully, he doesn’t think Antione equates to being Antoine.

He’s dyslexic so it’s okay.

Ecu (girlfriend) and Colorado being mentioned

Um thinking about not letting him out of nil which means it would be his one time transfer

Kid obv got issues.


Apparently, he is only 16.

I think it’s a bad look not to give him the release if that’s what he wants. Obviously, he is very immature and unstable to go from signing an NIL one day and wanting out the next day. I imagine Miami will try to talk him out of leaving but, really, why even bother?

These days, can you even accuse another team of tampering since kids are getting paid openly?