Any thoughts on ESPN picking up the rights extension? Non event?
I firmly believe that we are heading to a CBA in college sports.
I view it similarly. Amateur athletics in major sports is being supplanted by professionalism. Perhaps the solution pertaining to universities would be to create quasi-private corporations associated with universities. Presently, there is a need for order to subdue the current chaos afflicting college athletics.
In colleges, there is considerable dissention regarding salaries. No way full professors, even Nobel laureates, have comparable salaries to head coaches of major sports. Incredibly, the highest paid individuals on state payrolls are university head coaches who are paid more than governors, university presidents or the most esteemed professors.It would seem that the world is suffering from distorted societal values;.
the way its described makes it sound like us, fsu, and clemson would be the ones benefitting from it.
also read that it has some clause to decrease the buyout fee in 2030…if that’s true, then there is a way out for us afterall.
we need to be in the Big 10. somehow, someway it needs to happen
The salary for the president of the United States is $400,000 per year with an expense account of $50,000.
The ACC commish. signed an ass-hat deal. Who gets locked into such deals without considering that they are giving up autonomy for decades?! Another thing is …how is it that no one is accusing ESPN of monopolizing college-football ? They have a strangle-hold on most games and Bowls.
It is truly the Disney-method. Try to own everything…then stick it behind a paywall with ever-escalating fees.
Rest assured Xereus, there will be ever more pay for view in the future. It is the most lucrative of all programming.
Don’t blame current or past (Swofford) commissioners. That’s FOOLISH.
They did their job - keeping this basketball conference together as long as possible.
Blame the schools - ADs, presidents, etc. for their short-sighted approach a decade ago when the SEC and B1G were getting richer and richer. I can’t blame a commissioner for doing his job and keeping his league intact so it doesn’t go under. That day will come because the membership just falls further behind each year in their earnings.
Let’s not sign any more ACC “agreements”, M-kay?
Let’s all face facts…the athletic depts of most schools…spend money like drunken sailors. ESPN hides its programming behind paywalls which shut out many…if not the most …of the kids who play at Pop Warner and high-school level. Lower income families are NOT going to forgo necessities for a luxury cable channel.
Colleges then go all-in with these television contracts with the aim of being in the biggest and richest league/division, traditional viewership be damned. They crank up the cost of advertising leaving only. the richest companies to buy ad time.
Meanwhile (as Bikki stated earlier) the profs and other instructors who are no doubt tacitly pressured to keep some of the kids academically eligible haven’t seen a salary increase in years while even the coaches on the football and some basketball teams live like princes. The HC’s, of course, live like robber-barons.
The result of all this is declining traditional viewership, a disgusted paying consumer who starts cutting the cord, kids who realize it’s a money grab and want their piece of the pie (hence all the “chaos”) and the NCAA wanting to put the toothpaste back in the tube and asking congress to help them do that.
But HEY, the money is getting bigger and bigger (even though they are destroying traditional structures to get it).