Europe's Worst Problem is Not Russia

He’s delusional

Disregarding passages in the Bible is wholly permissible. In Islam it is a sign of heresy and often the result is a loss of one foot of physical stature. It’s also inadvisable to become an Islamic apostate. In Islamic schools right here in the USA, students are taught the traditional penalty for apostasy which like many other Islamic violations is DEATH. We’ve also got a cliterectomy problem occurring in America. Muslim child mutilation is alive and well in Michigan and in Minnesota. In Dearborn, they’re screaming for Sharia law. Already in the UK certain venues have Sharia law. In Sweden, once the safest nation on earth, Muslim rape has turned the country into the rape capital of Europe. A Swedish woman now has a one in four chance of being raped during her lifetime.

There is no equivalency in theology between Judaeo-Christianism and Islam. Islam was not written by Mohammad. It represents the words of Allah not his prophet. Conversely, books of the Bible were written by men not by God. Since Allah can never be mistaken, Islam can never be modernized.

I agree religions are ridiculous, but one religion has fomented more suffering and inequality than any other. Ergo, Islam is mankind’s worse religion. Warden, you need to read more Robert Spencer to update your knowledge of comparative religions. Spencer speaks Arabic, visits many mosques, and knows more about Islam than do many Islamic Imams. Not long ago, a treatise on women was released by the Islamic University of Cairo. The IMAM author proclaimed that the official status of women was that of “higher order mammal,” as are camels, not however equivalent with that of man. The human worth of a woman and camel is about equal.

According to whom?


Source of this being taught in American schools?

Sounds fucked up. Do we have a circumcision problem in America?

Sounds terrible. Do we have a circumcision problem in Michigan and Minnesota?

False. Came from a satirical article years ago

Another lie

Ever since the collation of crime statistics was initiated by the Council of Europe, Sweden has had the highest number of registered rape offences in Europe by a considerable extent. In 1996, Sweden registered almost three times the average number of rape offences registered in 35 European countries. However, this does not necessarily mean rape is three times as likely to occur as in the rest of Europe, since cross-national comparisons of crime levels based on official crime statistics are problematic, due to a number of factors described below.[13][14][15][16]

In 2014, there were 6,697 rapes reported to the Swedish police, or 69 cases per 100,000 population, according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (BRÅ), which is an 11% increase from the previous year.[17] In 2015, the number of reported rapes declined 12%, to 5918 (On the other hand, Swedish Crime Survey in 2015 showed that 1.7% of the total population or 129,000 people between 16–79 years old have exposed to some extension of sexual offenses include rape previously in their lives, increased from 1% in 2014.[18]) In 2016, the number of reported rapes increased again to 6,715.[19] The number of rapes reported to the authorities in Sweden significantly increased[4] by 10% in 2017,[20][21] according to latest preliminary figures from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention.[20][21] The number of reported rape cases was 73 per 100,000 citizens in 2017, up 24% in the past decade.[21] In 2018, official numbers showed that the incidence of sexual offences was on the rise;[4][22][21] the Swedish Government declared that young women are facing the greatest risks and that most of the cases go unreported.[4]

No reason to go any further…you are simply a dishonest person by nature. You can’t help yourself. I’m not a fan of Islam at all. There’s plenty you can cite without having to lie, though.