Europe starting to treat COVID as endemic

My kids do……it’s the unfortunate reality of the world we live in.

We tell our kids to go to school, learn, make friends and play…………and be ready to help your teacher stack desks and chairs against the door in the even of a shooter.

Beyond F-ed up.

Yup, imagine just living your life without constantly bitching… It’s a neat concept.

More than one hundred studies show that both hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin used in early treatment work and are among the safest pharmaceutical drugs. Hydroxychloroquine has been used for more than sixty years, widely used by persons suffering from lupus. Indeed early treatment with these drugs would have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands, and it is liberals who prevented access to these drugs and should be held responsible for the ensuing genocide.

Biden is a failure as president and two thirds of the public are dissatisfied with his job performance. He should resign. He’s visibly suffering from dementia.

More than one hundred studies show that both hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin used in early treatment do fuck all and are questionable pharmaceutical drugs for covid. Hydroxychloroquine has been used for more than sixty years for lupus and other diseases completely unrelated to covid. Indeed early treatment with these drugs would have done fuckall for thousands, and it is conservatives who politicized and pushed access to these drugs and should be held responsible for the ensuing genocide.

Trump is a failure as president and two thirds of the public are dissatisfied with his job performance. He lost the election. He’s visibly suffering from dementia.

imagine thinking this is pertinent?

Partisan sheep

Don’t forget sheep…They also put holes in hearts ya know.

Trump is a failure as president

How so? My god the partisan sheep/orange man bad syndrome is strong in this one…Remember when he was “neutral”

I’ve tried this same tact before on him. Unfortunately, he doesnt get it. His pathetic existence rests solely on making all people think alike.

It’s called “satire” bro. Look it up.

Imagine a progressive liberal saying this?

It is the lifeblood of their whole ideology

OK (bro)

Fist pound (bro)

Thumbs up (bro)

Fuckin cornball

Fucking cornball because you missed the joke?

It was pretty easy to notice. I copy/pasted bikki’s response and tweaked it.

After taking the second Moderna jab, I developed myocarditis and nearly expired.

Fully vaccinated, I contracted full blown Covid. Fortunately, Ben Marble is a friend of mine and one of the leading exponents of treating the disease therapeutically. Before taking hydroxychloroquine and the McCullough-Zelenko protocol, my blood oxygen level had fallen to 92 and I had a high fever… After my first dose of HCQ, my blood oxygen reading zoomed up to 98. My family doctor and friend, an opponent of taking HCQ, was amazed at the change. He wanted me to enter the hospital which I refused to do. Then, I traveled two counties over to one of the centers for monoclonal antibodies set up by our splendid governer DeStantis. Within five days, I felt much better and resumed normal activities.

The way Biden has handled Covid is a national disgrace. Liberals preventing access to these drugs resulted in unnecessary deaths. Were it not for HCQ, I believe I might have died, especially had I gone to the hospital and let them put me on a ventilator. Covid prevents blood cells from taking up oxygen. The McCullough protocol allows zinc to enter the blood cells and keeps the virus from replicating.

Have a look at the success of the Indian province of Utar Pradesh in completely halting the Covid pandemic. Read the attachment and look at the graph.

An excerpt from the above link

“Ivermectin was regarded as a “wonder drug” responsible for virtually eradicating river blindness in Africa. Given its robust anti-viral and anti-inflammatory mechanisms of action, Uttar Pradesh is a living testament that it could have been used to wipe COVID off the map as well. Sadly, the Western world would rather bankrupt us and cause more deaths for politically driven solutions that don’t work than cede back to the people the control they’ve established. Perhaps there is a lot we can learn from the third world, for we are now seeing the growth of a “fourth world” mentality that is much more destructive than the third world.”

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Our broken record is on repeat, again. Someone needs to pick up the needle and move on to the next song.

You’ll pardon me for not entirely believing you here.

The dude had “full blown covid” but he blames the vaccine for almost killing him.


No…BC you type “bro” a lot.

You’re textbook cornball

Bro is not funny tho

We’ve been trying to move not to the next song since summer 2020…It’s people like you who actually want all the problems covid mitigation brings that are keeping this shit alive.