ESPN's strangle-hold on college football is the real culpirt

NIL …be damned it will sort itself out. IMHO the root of our Saturday afternoon problem is that one company has been allowed to monopolize college-football. The meagre offerings served up over the air-waves by FOX and CBS do not cut it. ESPN is essentially the Ma Bell of college sports.

You would have thought that the greedy bastards would at least allow the first real game of the season to be broadcast over the air. No such luck however…they stuck it behind a paywall . I do not think that they are aware of just how fed-up the consumer has become.

The only ESPN I pay for is ESPN+ …which gives me La Liga,the Bundesliga …and the odd overflow of non-Power 5 college game.

If the NCAA has been finally brought to heel …why the hold-up of nailing ESPN’s pelt to the wall ?!

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