Ed Reed to coach Bethune Cookman

This is interesting. Good for Ed.

Hopefully he can translate that genius in his mind to the kids because knowing what to do and teaching what to do are 2 different things.

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Good for him if he want to be a HC. Hopefully, he turns it around for them.

Maybe it’s time to lose that god-awful beard?

He has nothing to lose. First hire an OC who will bring an up-tempo game . Scour the Tri-County HS ranks for a coach who can help him get those recruits who would otherwise go to OOS non-power schools like App State or WKU etc. Get loud in the press. By this I mean … “do a Deon”.

Lots of interviews , bang on doors. Get the alum fan-base involved …and tell any prima-donnas that the highway is nearby.

Apparently he does have something to lose. Not getting the job now. :open_mouth:

Not so fast…

Is this why he wasn’t picked up?


Damn what the hell happned at Bethune Cookman?


What I miss?


I think Josh Gattis would be perfect for Bethune!!!

I don’t think Ed did his due diligence before agreeing to accept BC’s offer. Don’t think he ever signed a contract.

I assume UM will take him back if he wants?

Perhaps Ed should consider a career in politics.

It sounds like they passed on him

It seems to me after watching Reed on some videos, Bethune Cookman saved itself future heartache by not approving Reed’s contract. I think Reed really wanted the job, but his tantrum-like behavior was unprofessional, and he sunk own ship. Even Deion advised him that his best remedy would be to walk away.

Not all former players make good coaches.
It was a bit confusing to me why he wasn’t brought on at the U to coach/help coach DB’s.

I remember his tirade when Drew Brees was not going to kneel for the national anthem. I lost a little bit of respect for him there.

I get the reason why some people kneel. I do. I have a friend who would get stopped by police for little stuff. I get that it happens. I think there needs to be reform. I disagree with kneeling for the anthem but understand if others want to make that statement. I just disagree that I am racist for not conforming. Reed and i clearly disagree and i did not like how he took to Brees who clearly should have some respect in reserve but Reed was having none of it.

Great DB. Not surprised at all this is how his coaching career is going.

I think Reed may have frontal lobe/impulse control issues from taking too many head shots. He looks nuts in his recent videos.

A well-timed, controlled ‘heat’ can be effective. That rant was the opposite. His comments as “culture coordinator” or whatever at Miami foreshadowed that a bit.


Jesus Ed. Why bro? Makes no sense.

I may have spoken too soon.

Wtf is going on at Bethune Cookman bro?


Sounds to me like Ed was hired and given a ton of false information, or provided information that did not line up with what he was told…Saw the shit show, manipulation by the school, the cutting corners, etc. all while he was building relationships with players and these kids in general. Lost his shit because he can’t help the kids now, and can’t even try to turn it around. Yes, he lost his shit, maybe could have been handled a different way, but he spits truth.