Dwayne Haskins Dies

Hate to see this. What a shame.

Beware of dump trucks … You’ve been warned!!!

A really stupid way to die. All of us do stupid things occasionally. Fortunately, most don’t prove to be fatal.

A guy I went to high school with, (he was two classes ahead of me and the VP of his class) died in a similar fashion. He was in college, somewhere in Connecticut, (UConn? or one of the colleges around Hartford, U-Hartford?, Trinity?) At any rate, he was in a car with some friends one night, I imagine they had been drinking. For some reason they pulled off to the side of the road and he exited the vehicle. IRRC it was on Route 8 which is a main highway in that area. Long story short, he was immediately pancaked by a semi. Dead at 20.

The reporting on the Haskins incident has been sketchy at best.