David Sachs Turns to MAGA

Another famous African-American of the Elon Musk variety is the billionaire David Sachs who is furious about perfidy of the Democrat Party and has thrown his support to Donald Trump. Here’s a tweet by Sachs that shows his contempt for the left.

"Democratic Party operatives and their allies in the MSM are engaged in a full-scale insurrection to prevent the certification of President Biden as the Democratic nominee even though he won all the necessary votes in 50 state primary elections. This attempt at election interference is not motivated by the sudden discovery of Biden’s cognitive impairment (about which they’ve known, hidden, and gaslit for years) but rather by the fact that Biden is down in the polls and is likely to lose. They call this “preserving democracy” but what they really mean is preserving their own power. As


has pointed out, “democracy” means permanent rule by the Democratic Party just as “communism” meant permanent rule by the Communist Party. In the name of democracy, this caste of Party operatives has also sought to censor true speech on the Internet, prosecute political opponents, and even remove their leading opponent’s name from the ballot. Having failed at that, they are looking for new trickery. Like a pack of hyenas, they will gladly turn on each other if it means one more feeding on the desiccated carcass of their own corrupt rule. Voters should punish this mendacity up and down the ticket in November. This pack of liars knew about the president’s dangerous infirmity and covered it up until the lie could be sustained no more. People this hungry for power should never be entrusted with it. The framers’ vision for American democracy was citizen-leaders who would return back to their communities and businesses, not permanent rule by a corrupt Party apparatus that undemocratically swaps out front men like avatars in a video game. There is only one way to restore true democracy as the founders intended it: vote out this entire pack of liars in November."