Cuomo straight up lying

And these morons on here live their lives in reverence of their every word.

People like shithead dj and warden living their lives by the Rachel maddow code

That’s a bit comical considering Storm and 90s are the ones daily posting stories from the media…it’s just that their media (gateway pundit, etc) are known liars.

Lol…yours tells the truth huh moron

Stupid ass little sheep. Keep tuning in.

Poor guy, you have quite an unhappy life. It’s quite evident.

Mind translating this to English?

Your media tells the truth huh?

Imagine thinking this^^^.

Yep, for the most part. But, you keep maintaining that only the mirror in your hallway and Donald Trump are the only truth tellers in this work. I’m sure it’ll work out for you.

No you fuckin moron…I’m the one who knows both sides lie

You are just too much of a little uninformed bleeding heart liberal to think your side would ever tell a lie.

That’s how fucking stupid, blind, and pathetic you are. “My side never lies, we are saving the world!!!” (hands on hips, liberal meltdown voice)

Only if you keep the blind sheep liberal bleeding heart meltdowns going you pathetic commie fuckboy

Cuomo still writing that book about dealing with the pandemic? Asking for a friend…