Covid 19 = Flu

Keep at it Warden.

You don’t need to compete in order to excel.

Meant to say transmission. My mistake.

I was in icu for a week with covid. I was 52 and healthy. My doctor could not understand why it hit me so hard. My oxygen was down to low 80 and could not walk more than 10 feet without having to rest. My family thought i was going to die. Obviously I didn’t but I wonder why I was so close.

Thx dude. It’s a fun gym, but is pretty competitive with Joao Gabriel Rocha, Pedro Rocha and Steffan Banta teaching. At 48, it’s the most cathartic workout I’ve ever had. Getting your ass kicked over and over again in 6 minute intervals does wonders for anger issues and patience.

Never heard this before. Glad you made it out the other side, brother.

Most reasonable people remaining in this forum don’t outright believe covid was fake. It’s good to hear about experiences like yours to remind us what the world was dealing with.

Absolutely, there were some over-reactions and under-reactions, Lots of mistakes were made, and it’s okay to be critical of them. But it’s important not to make light of what we were up against.

The reason i never mentioned it was not to be blasted by people who thought it is fake. It was a tough time for my family and friends. The only peron who was able to visit was my wife. My teenage daughter cried daily thinking I was going to die without seeing me again. There were 2 others on the floor who died while I was there. It is something I would not wish on anyone. Very scary times. I do get the vaccine and it takes me down for a couple of days each time. Worst body aches, chills and headache i have ever had. And I have had some doozies of hangovers. But its better than being in ICU again.



Yikes. An O2 of 80 is bananas. I believe you 100% because I have seen this firsthand. Was that done by blood gas (SaO2…with an actual blood sample draw), or pulse oximetry (SpO2… with the sensors on the fingertip)? I am guessing you were on oxygen therapy to get your O2 levels up. A reading of 80 is not a good indicator for survival. brain function is greatly affected… The prognosis is usually not good. In short, dude… you are lucky to be alive.

Now, for a little context… For some reason, some people who contract COVID-19 are affected more severely than other people who contract the same strain. I am part of a research project that has been studying this, amongst other things. . We have been looking at 100’s of thousands of individuals, looking for patterns and possible genetic components that could help explain it. Personally, I have had COVID twice (about a year apart so it was from different strains) and it has been very mild–I have had worse colds. We have not been able to pinpoint any conclusive correlations, nor causality, but there has been some mild correlation between blood types and Rh factors. There appears to be a loose correlation between type 0 exhibiting less severe symptoms while people with A, show more severity. There is also the Rh factor (the + or -) part of your blood type. Rh(-) appears to shows a mild correlation to lower severity than Rh(+). I should add… caveat emptor… correlation does not mean causation so take this with a grain of salt.

Out of curiosity, If you don’t mind me asking, what is your blood type? If you are not comfortable answering this question, feel free to ignore it–I won’t be offended.

I honestly do not know what type i am. I have also wondered why it kills some and others have very little symptoms. My wife has caught it i can only assume from me the day I was being released. She only had loss of smell and taste and cold like symptoms. But i understand that she does not have any of my DNA or anything. When my parents and my daughter caught it they did not have much more than bad cold symptoms. Just my luck I guess.

I’ve heard your MTFHR gene can have somehting to do with it. Not sure if true but some scientists have mentioned the possibility.

Not sure why it hits some hard and other not so much. Myself, and my four brothers all got hit with covid. All relatively close in age and all fit. Four of us were fine and had minor symptoms. My remaning brother had an extremly tough time and he’s the youngest. It was explained that he has two copies of the MTFHR gene while the rest of us have one copy. Not sure if that makes sense.